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"Young people are essential in the transmission of a language"

  • Maite Sarasola Isazelaia (Deusto, 2001) is one of 9 young people who will participate in the Gaztealdia. We have been talking to him from Thursday to 19 November.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

11 November 2020 - 13:38
Maite Sarasola zortzi egun euskara hutsez bizitzen saiatuko da Euskaraldiaren bezperatan. Argazkia:

What is Gaztealdia?

Gaztealdia is an initiative driven by several Basque groups in the Basque Country. In recent months these have identified a problem to analyze: that as young people and as Euskaldunes we want to live in Basque in the Basque Country and that is not possible. From there and based on the exercise carried out by Lutxo Egia in 2015, nine young people from different towns of Euskal Herria have taken the challenge of living a week in Euskera, specifically from November 12 to 19.

What is the objective?

I would say that the objective is to see what the linguistic clashes are and to get resources to deal with them. For example, to create resources for when we go to the bank or health center and answer in Spanish, to hold ourselves in some way firmly in the posture.

You are one of the 9 young people who will participate in Gaztealdia. What does that mean to you?

A difficult and complicated challenge for everyone. In my case, the whole environment is Euskaldun, the family, the friends, the militancy… and that helps a lot. However, it will be a difficult challenge facing, above all, the outside world or the public sphere. It is an effort, for example, to keep the language with the staff of the bus or the university window.


I generally have good expectations. It will be a nice and interesting project, especially when we finish the project and draw conclusions. I think it will be a decent job.

Gaztealdia has also been created to speak with its own voice about the relationship of young people with the Basque Country. What is your relationship with the Basque Country?

As mentioned above, the area of militancy, family and friends is Basque. Since I was young, it is also a link that I have developed at home and that I have with the Basque Country, and when I have been imposing myself I have continued to maintain that link as a young man, for example, in Bertsolaris. In addition to a direct connection, I would say it's solid.

If so, do you think that in those 8 days you will have to change language habits with someone?

Among friends, for example, we are always talking in Basque and Spanish. Although I have always answered in Basque, I usually receive some answers in Spanish. I will have to change that habit of going to Spanish and trying to keep it fixed.

Given the socio-linguistic reality of Bilbao, do you expect to meet the challenge?

After all, Bilbao is a city, we are talking about a great space. But as there are Castilian speakers, there are many Euskaldunes. Being the large countryside, it will sometimes be difficult to recover the Basque country. In any case, it must be said that in Bilbao there is the possibility of living in Basque and that the Basques have our breathing space.

Have you thought about how to tackle the obstacles?

Finding resources for a linguistic shock is difficult. Gestural expression or the use of a language other than Spanish can be a solution. However, I will try to make myself understood as much as possible and repeat what is necessary to him.

They invite young people to participate in the initiatives promoted by Euskalgintza.

Young people are essential in the transmission of a language. Language is something that has to pass from generation to generation, and if one doesn't pass to the next, there's a vacuum. That is why I believe that the work of young people is essential, because it is in our hands to keep the Basque living in the future. Our presence is essential both in the Basque Country and in any other militancy.

According to the experts, the future of Euskera cannot be guaranteed.

I don't know what to say. I think not everything is black, that there's a very colorful future. Moreover, seeing that young people are underway and that they are creating projects such as Gaztealdia, I would say that the Basque country does not have as good as the future we would like but that there is something there, that there is. We have to start the road on the basis of what we have and there are many young people ready for it.

What should we change?

First of all, we should ensure that everyone knows Euskera, including public services. I believe that the institutions should do a great job.

Have you appreciated your intention to make a great youth in the future? Or the continuation of this?

We have not thought about it in principle. However, if the exercise goes well and we do a decent job, I do not think it will remain a one-week exercise.

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