The filming of the short film Irrits, written and directed by Maider Oleaga (Bilbao, 1976), was completed at the Bilbao International Film Festival. The film has been shot at different points in Álava and the story revolves around the relationship between Clara and Izaro, two eighteen-year-old women. They work as monitors in the colonies, and when they're out of the sight of the children, their desires are coming out.
Izaro Nieto and Ángela Echaniz have brought the characters to life and Xabier Elizalde and Erika Olaizola have formed the cast of actors. In general, the presence of women in the shoot has been remarkable, according to the producer Sumendi, who produced the film along with Galapan. Among others, have worked Lara Vilanova as director of photography, Loreto Agirre as director of production, Esther Villar as head of makeup and hairdressing, Kemen as director of art, Andrea Sáenz as head of sound, Xavier Salvador in sound design, Nerea Torrijos as head of costume and Maialen Montadora.
Irrits is not the only job Oleaga is planning to present this year. Also at the end of the year it plans to release the Kinka short film, produced by the producers Galapan and Sumendik. In addition, on page 69, the death toll has risen. At the San Sebastian Festival, the documentary he has written and directed will be presented in the Zinemira section: Kuartk Valley In 2005 he has documented the collective adventure carried out by the inhabitants of Kuartango: Something more than death.