On the last weekend of May, Zarautz will again become a place of Basque letters. After eight months of last year’s Literaturia festival, he will take the streets of Zarautz again. The program is completed with shows, round tables, book fair and book presentations.
Ana Malagón will read the manifesto starting at the weekend, on 27 May at night. This year it has been chosen as the theme of the “The Beast” initiative, from which Malagón will read the text he has written to throw away. This year’s show video shows that literature serves to locate, reassure and stimulate it. Following the manifesto Oier Guilla, Lutxo Egia, Pelax, Telmo Trenor and Elena Ramírez will offer the Istanbul show in the Model room.
The programme will be extended to other areas on Saturday. The fair will open at 11:30 hours and the opening will take place at 12:00 hours. It will pay tribute to the editorial and printing press Itxaropena for her work in favor of the Basque literature. In the morning there will also be book presentations at the book fair and in the afternoon at the Garoa library.
The Model Room will host two events on Saturday. 12:30 Do we restart literature in school? There will be a round table with Imanol Epelde, Intza Alkain, Uxue Ostolaza and Nerea Lasa. At 18:00, Petti and Ana Galarraga will offer a musical letter to the beloved Frankenstein. In the Literattipia children's space, Iñaki Martiarena Mattin will offer the creation workshop Kamishibaizalea, at 11:00 hours in the Etxezabala room. To round off on Saturday, rap singer Odei will offer a concert at the market tent.
There will also be a lot to enjoy on Sunday. 11:30 Universal Literature organized in collaboration with the Association of Basque Translators, Interpreters and Correctors. Throughout the tour there will be a round table in the Modelo room with Manu López Gaseni, Angel Erro and Irati Jimenez. At 12:30 in Market Square, rr #5 Bertsolari Maialen Lujanbio will offer a recital of verses and words with a travelling X-ray of the time. Finally, at 17:00 Arantxa Iturbe, Eider Rodriguez and Miren Narbaiza will meet in the Model room in the concert entitled The Sound of a Conversation and Notes. In addition, throughout the morning there will be a book fair and presentations.
The entries for the projections can already be purchased over the internet, on the Literature website, and also at the box office, one hour before the event.
Zarautz literaturaren erdigune bilakatuko da gaurtik igandera bitarte. Literaturia bueltan da, eta literaturzaleentzako topaleku bilakatuko da, euskal idazle, argitaletxe eta irakurleak bertan izango baitute literaturaz gozatzeko topagunea. Ana Galarraga izan da Bilbo Hiria... [+]
Literaturia izango da Zarautzen maiatzaren 19tik 21era eta, hitz egin dezagun lanak merezi duen terminoetan, ikus-entzunezko obra honekin iragarri dute.
"Larrua" izango da aurtengo Literaturiaren gaia, "plazer hutsa" jarri diote azpititulu. Zarautz maiatzaren 19tik 22ra literatur-saltsaren erdigune bihurtuko da ekitaldiz beteriko programari esker.
Maiatzaren azken asteburuan ospatuko da aurten euskal letren plaza Zarautzen, bigarrenez iaz Larrabetzutik hona salto egin ostean. Lehen aldiz gai baten bueltan osatu dute egitaraua: Ardoa. Huts eginez gero, literaturzale, galdu izanaz damutuko zaren bost proposamen bildu ditugu... [+]
Udaren atarian heldu da Literaturiaren 6. edizioa. Aurtengoan, Larrabetzu utzi eta Zarauzko herriak egingo dio tokia euskal literaturaren hitzorduari, urtetik urtera hazi den ekimena izaki, azpiegitura hobea behar duelakoan. Auzolana du oinarri Literaturiak, eta... [+]
Literaturaz oro har, poesiaz, antzerkiaz eta sorkuntzaz solasean aritu berri gara Oier Guillanekin. Aurki argitaratuko den elkarrizketaren aurrerapena da ondoren datorrena.
Literaturiak ekitaldi ugari proposatuko ditu hiru egunez, maiatzaren 31tik ekainaren 2ra bitartean. Igandeko menuko plater nagusia, kasura, mahaiaren bueltan eskainiko da, 11:00etatik hasita. Euskarazko itzulpengintzaren erronkak gaur egun izenburupean antolatu den solasaldiak... [+]
Maiatzaren azken egunetik hasi eta ekainaren 2rako tartean iragango da Literaturia 2013, letrak kale gorrira ateratzea helburu duen ekimena. Bosgarrena dugu aurtengoa, eta betiko legez, Larrabetzuko herria hartuko du plazatzat.
Maiatzaren azken egunetik hasi eta ekainaren 2rako tartean iragango da Literaturia 2013, letrak kale gorrira ateratzea helburu duen ekimena. Bosgarrena dugu aurtengoa, eta betiko legez, Larrabetzuko herria hartuko du plazatzat. Errezitalak, aurkezpenak, antzerki saioak,... [+]