I have always had as a model many answers to the attacks suffered by workers in the French Republic. They, better than anyone, know where the attack comes from, how, to whom and to what extent to steer the response. Here in the South, I am led by other attitudes of another time: the workers had a terrible force.
In the French Republic, including the Basques, the workers' society has very well internalized the present and, above all, the only way to ensure a dignified future is to deal with aggression. April is coming and there is nothing else to do with the response being given to the reform of President Emmanuel Macron's retas. They show that they choose the way forward without taking their eyes off the compass of dignity. Yes, of course.
I see no other effective way of restoring and guaranteeing workers' rights. Not just in Paris, not above Madrid.
Fortunately, as so many years ago, the central axis of the political situation is not in the bad position of many politicians, or in structured corruption, because not everyone is equal. No, that is not the main reason. The position of the workers is wrong. The worker should not seek the enemy at home.
It's not new. For years we have been offensive after offensive, we are getting worse. The hard results obtained draw us a dark future. From there and from here, both from outside and from within, from Madrid or from Brussels, it seems that it is imposing the word blockade on us. It seems that no one sees a healthy and direct solution to this situation that we live in, and I believe that the main reason for this is that, although "all" claim freedom and sovereignty, in practice we have different priorities.
So looking forward and backwards can be a source of more benefits to study peacefully. Bearing in mind that the path that has been taken is very long and that to advance the teachings of the years it is very necessary.
A few years ago, perhaps not so much, Basque society was very ideological, but I believe that today, although not entirely, we are forgotten. There are many steps taken, and now, unfortunately, I believe that egoism is being strengthened.
Today, in many discourses across peoples, this concept from left to right is considered obsolete, much less expressions such as "worker unity" are heard. Everyone only cares about their accounts and considers them to be apolitical. So we've lost that ancient militancy, and in a few decades, we've moved from militancy to egoism.
In Basque society, those who are young and not so young, quite well, say they have their own mentalities and tendencies. We have not seen them for some time in mass gatherings and demonstrations, nor in areas of struggle, of course. Maybe that's why popular festivals or sports aren't "comfortable," but apparently they prefer a series of acts that they think are for intellectuals.
They believe and support most of the reasons of the state, they are democrats. They recognize that economic and political empires command, and that, as an octopus, they need multinationals, giant banks and armies. And manipulative media. They recognize that it's just a formal democracy, but they're comfortable with it.
Following his speech, they say — perhaps with a point of pride — that in the name of formal and modern democracy the parliaments emerged, and although the police state was strengthened, they are supposed to be necessary because they strengthen the system.
Anti-terrorist laws are confirmed in these parliaments, trying to eliminate opponents, but that is only by what they oppose the state, and always for the benefit of democracy, of course. They understand that these kinds of special laws protect the practice of torture, but they say they're just system errors.
It is not today, because it is true that our struggle has always had two fundamental pillars, social and political, on the road to freedom, the face to face anti-colonialist and the workers’ revolution. To do so, we have provided ourselves with an ideology that allowed us to organize a broad and strong human movement. Today they are not the same situations, the profound ideological crisis is evident.
As I said before, change is evident, and even though we are well aware of the different parts of this process, one after the other, it is undeniable that we are not seeing what we wanted to see at one time, and decades are being outpaced one by one, without stopping.
We therefore believed that the working class driven by unemployment and misery would join a people that today or tomorrow is oppressed as Basque, but it has not been so. It's true, the goal yes, beautiful, very, but still ...
In another paragraph he said that the main reason is the division of staff, and it is true. The votes cast by the social worker put different and "intelligent" politicians in the management of the institutions. But negotiations between politicians, at least to date, have not brought any changes. Where can change come from? Well, with the change of subject of the workers' vote. That, the road ahead.
We have met each other and, once again, the direct decision is to address the path of the dignified future.
As a people, we have been back and forth for years. Don't let them make any more fun. Be honest with yourself and 28 May reinforces the opportunity that guarantees a dignified future.
Josu Iraeta, writer
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