The Junta de Gobierno Local de Navarra Suma, in its agreement of 4 November 2019, established an exclusive requirement in the specifications for the award of the distribution of advertising: exceeding 10% of the total audience. According to the latest sociological survey (2016), 10.5% of the total of Euskaldunes in Pamplona leaves out the Pamplona and Pamplona institutional advertising media, as to overcome this barrier they should reach 100% of their potential audience.
“It radically violates the principle of equality that must be guaranteed in public procurement competitions, as it imposes impossible conditions on the Basque media,” explains Juan Kruz Lakasta, radio coordinator. “On behalf of our lawyers, it is contrary to the foral law of administrative contracts and we believe that all Basques in Pamplona who have the right to receive messages from the City Hall in their language and through their means violate their linguistic rights,” he added.
First, Euskalerria Irratia filed an appeal against the agreement of the Local Government Board of November 4, 2019. The Assembly itself rejected the appeal, by a resolution of 24 December, without giving any explanation, simply by ratifying the specification. For this reason, Lakasta has also denounced the "defenselessness" suffered by the neighbor of the Labortana locality. “They only refer to effectiveness as a justification for the unobservable condition that they have imposed on us. But the only criterion for measuring effectiveness is not the unweighted audience. It can also be the language, the closeness to the listener, there are many more,” he explained.
Thus, Euskalerria Irratia has presented his second appeal today, in this case before the Administrative Court of Navarra.
Appeal to the Association
In 2019, Euskalerria Irratia received 25,000 euros in institutional advertising from the City of Pamplona. “For a little radio like ours, running out of that money is a huge loss. In addition, what can be repeated every year, if judges or a change of mayor doesn’t solve it,” said radio announcer Lohizune Amatria. “The most effective way to reverse this loss is to become a member of Euskalerria Irratia,” he added. And he has offered two subscription routes: The website and the phone 948 17 01 51.
“Partnering is the most effective way to respond to this loss and to strengthen the independent and community media in Pamplona’s Basque country,” he claimed. “Euskalerria Irratia has taken many steps in recent years: he got the license, he has taken the radio to the street with new mobile units, he has rejuvenated and expanded the work team, he has strengthened the web,” said Amatría. “In any case, the main strength of the radio is that of always: the community. Our 175 collaborators, hundreds of advertisers, 900 partners, 6,000 listeners. And if the project moves forcefully, it will be with the help of that powerful and generous community.”
At the feast of the 35th anniversary of Euskalerria Irratia, the Basque people filled the hill of Erdiko Kafe Antzokia. Although Tuesday was a holiday, there were obstructions at the entrance that forced the opening of the upper floor. Visit the event in pictures of photographer... [+]
Kalkulua zehatza da. Iruñeko biztanleen %10,5 da euskalduna. Navarra Sumak gidatutako Iruñeko Udalak publizitate instituzionala lortzeko gutxienez audientzia osoaren %10 izatea exijitu die hedabideei. Euskarazko hedabideek publizitatea lortzeko hiriko biztanle... [+]
Martxoaren 28an Iruñeko Kondestable aretotik zuzenean antolatu du emisioa Euskalerria Irratiak, herritarrei bertatik bertara ikusi eta entzuteko aukera eskainiz. Bi orduan hamaika pertsonak aurten mendea bete duen euskarazko hedabideari buruzko ertzak landu dituzte.
Astelehenean hasiko da Eukalerria irratia FMko 98.3 frekuentzian emititzen. Legezkotasun, indar eta kalitate osoz.
1997an abiaturiko bi irrati lizentzien esleipen prozesu luzea amaierara iristen ari da. Iruñerriko euskaldunak behingoz irrati euskalduna modu legezkoan entzun ahal izatetik gero eta gertuago daude. Lizentzia lortzeko prozesu luzearen berri ematen da ondoko lerroetan.
Iruñerriko euskal munduaren ispilu zen asteazken gauean Iruñeko Zentral Kafe Antzokia. Eta Nafarroak bizi duen aldaketarena ere bai. Euskalerria Irratiak 27 urteren ondoren lizentzia lortu duela ospatzen ari ziren guztiak.
Irailaren 30ean, Iruñeko Kafe Antzokian egingo den ekitaldi batekin ospatuko dute "euskaldun eta euskaltzaleekin" Euskalerria Irratiari lizentzia eman diotela.
Duela 30 urte ekin zion Euskalerria Irratiak uhinak airean jartzeko baimenak bideratzeari. Azkenean, 1987an lizentziarik gabe ekin zion irratigintzari eta 27 urteren ondoren etorri da hainbeste desiotako baimena. Mikel Bujanda ibilbide horren guztiaren lehen lerroko lekuko... [+]
Azkar esaten da, 30 urteren ondoren Euskalerria Irratiak bere jarduerarako legezko lizentzia lortu du. Azkenean, 1987ko azaroan ekin zion emititzeari, baina lizentziarik gabe.