The cases of police infiltration that emerge are not exclusive to the Catalan countries. They have recently denounced in Madrid the detection of a police officer infiltrated in different groups: Marta de Aranjuez. In particular, the complaint was made by the Ama Represional Kontra group.
He explains that in March 2020 he first became aware of the evidence of the spying case through a phone call. The recent implementation of the confinement prevented the confrontation of the members of the collective. This and, for example, the fear that phones will be controlled, meant that they could not address the issue until the confinement was cancelled.
The Opponents of Repression say that they intervened at the time and that the infiltrated police officer "ceased to be part of the collective". "The case, of course, has not been there. We have continued to work to clarify this very serious situation, and to ensure that [the infiltrated police] does not act in another group,” they detailed.
The police officer appeared as Marta and was known to Ama Represional Kontra through an anti-repressive platform. In particular, they met in the campaign demanding the freedom of the young Alfon. Several members of the collective "Marta" told them that he had just left an anti-fascist group, which had been participating in social movements and the movement for occupation since 1986 (El Laboratorio, solidarity groups with the Basque Country, collectives against fascism, etc. ), which, "as a mother", coincided with the collective Ama Represional Kontra.
"All of this we were able to demonstrate, there are many militants who know ["Marta"]. With his militant trajectory, we never questioned that he was a person who said," says Am. The topic was therefore maintained and clarified. "But, as a consequence of the emergence of the police infiltrations in Catalonia, especially the last one, that of a female policeman from Girona, our collective has turned to the spotlight", the members of the group rejected.
Thus, they see the need to communicate what happened and denounce that the infiltration case is being used by Ama to attack the collective Represional Kontra. "Our commitment, our activism, is directly and indirectly questioned," they have condemned.
In the last year, the Media Direct has released four police officers who have spied on the various groups and movements of the Catalan countries. The last detected case was published this month: The Spanish police agent, apparently María Perelló Amengual, has embarked on the anti-racist, independence and housing support movement in Girona.