Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The Public Prosecutor's Office asks for 74 years in prison for fourteen detainees on the night of the beginning of 15m in Madrid

  • The fourteen defendants, aged between 18 and 26, are accused of public disorder, damage, injury, resistance and attack on authority. The civil protection collective 15m freedom, known as Amnesty International, has called for acquittal.

13 November 2018 - 12:40
Puerta del Sol-en (Madrid) egin ziren protesten irudia.

Eight years later, on 11 February 2019, the trial of young detainees will begin on the night when the M15 movement was formed. Thirteen of the 14 accused persons face up to six years ' imprisonment.

When the date of the trial was known, one of the defendants’ defense attorneys, Daniel Amelang, told El Salto that this is an extraordinary trial. After hearing the prosecution’s indictment in 2014, one of the defendants reported in Diagonal that “they have confused the distribution of charges to always demand maximum conviction.”

D.C. The defendant was appointed as one of the members of the group of persons who had sat in Callao Square obstructing traffic and accused of throwing a chair without hitting the police, the former being asked for four and a half years ' imprisonment for the latter.

Persons who were arrested on the night of 15 May 2011 were charged after being detained for 72 hours and incommunicado. Sixteen of the nineteen detainees complained that they had been subjected to ill-treatment, torture and contempt that night, as can be seen in the note by the collective M15 of Barcelona.

In the public manifesto in support of the 14 15m defendants, it is mentioned that this complaint "was not investigated by the prosecutor's office and government institutions". It states that during the trial the police have "changed the version" of the charges against them and that the "only evidence" against the accused is police testimonies.

In this sense, they have stated that, if one is judged, "everyone" is judged and will not remain "silent or immobile".



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