The doubts were whether Otegi would be the candidate, particularly following the ruling of the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights this year that gave rise to its disqualification, which was inadequate. Otegi is disabled until next year, but he wondered what EH Bildu would do in the elections to the Basque Parliament this year. If the lehendakari Urkullu does not advance them, it is believed that the elections to the Basque Parliament will be held in September or October next year.
Iriarte said that it is an honour for her to be the candidate for EH Bildu, but also a great responsibility, and thanked the appointment to EH Bildu’s Bureau. Now we will have to see if more candidates are presented. In that case, between 4 and 13 February the primaries would be made; on 14, 15 and 16 the vote would be voted and on 17 the name of the winner would be notified.
Maddalen Iriarte, born in Donostia-San Sebastián in 1963, has developed his professional career as a ETB journalist and is currently working at EiTB. Four years ago, he took the leap into politics and made a parliamentary term in the Basque Parliament.
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