On the eve of the G7, the campaign to remove the image of French President Emmanuel Macron from the houses and official places of the people continues and there are already more than a hundred potretas removed by France – ten in the northern Basque country. The last activity was carried out by Bizi! The movement has opened the time on Twitter, "it's detaching itself from the goals of COP21, we're unsettling its own portrait!" In other words:
106. Macron's portrait has been taken from the village house of Bardoze this morning. You are dissociating yourself from #COP21 goals, we disconnect your own portrait! Only 19 are missing to get the 125 we need for the #G7 in Biarritz! #Climate emergency #DecrochonsMacron pic.twitter.com/IdXylnZNTy
— Bizi! (@biziugi) July 11, 2019
The aim of the movement is to remove 125 images for the Biarritz G7 summit, which is the number of days the French State has taken to overcome the ecological footprint of its annual COP21 brand. Thus, they denounce that the Macron Government does not take the necessary measures in the event of the climate emergency.
The Police has arrested a number of people and has called for several more to be declared since the actions of withdrawing photos for "collective robbery" began.
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There was no one or all. That we all suffer at least if the necessary changes are not made so that no one suffers the climate emergency. You – reader – I – Jenofá-, they – poor – and they – rich. The fires in Los Angeles did not give me satisfaction, but a sense of... [+]