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Macron's speech: It doesn't talk about police racism even though the problem is on the surface.

  • The President of the French State spoke at 20:00 on 14 June to make his fourth speech known in the context of the coronavirus epidemic. In addition to giving details about the new phase of decontainment, he has detailed what the "new stage" will look like the day after the plague, speaking in general terms and with few details.

15 June 2020 - 10:35
Frantziako Estatuko presidentearen diskurtsoa, ekainaren 14ean

He talked about police, about racism too, but not about police racism. In particular, French President Emmanuel Macron said that the police and gendarmes need "the recognition of the nation and the support of the public power". "Without a Republican order there is neither security nor freedom. This order is assured by the police and the gendarmes.” If you mentioned the dangers to which they are exposed on a daily basis, the inhabitants of the French suburbs have not mentioned the discrimination and fears they face on a daily basis. According to official police data, last year 19 citizens lost their lives in the hands of the French police. Between 1977 and 2019, 676 citizens have been killed by French policemen or gendarmes, according to the report of the independent Media Suffrage.

As in the United States, in the French State, the issue of police violence and racism is still on the surface. On 13 June, a historic demonstration against racism was held in Paris, convened by the collective La Vérité pour Adama, with the aim of promoting racism. Ten thousand people took to the streets, according to the 120,000 organizers of the march:

The group that has as its spokesperson Adama Traore's sister, killed by the police in 2016, is doing a great job of demanding justice and truth, and in general of denouncing racism in the police.

The issue of racism, which has been a reality in the French State since the 1960s and 1970s, is today animated by the movement denouncing the murder of African-American George Floyd in the United States. The fact that no reference has been made to this indignation and to this social demand is very significant.

As far as racism is concerned, Macron's statements have not satisfied those who are fighting racism. On the contrary, many militants showed their discomfort on social networks. When he said that "the struggle is noble", he spoke of the danger of "recovering some separatists", shaking the ghost of the "communitarianism" of always. Many have regretted that the protest organized by the collective La Vérité Pour Adama has been described as 'communitarianism', making it clear that they will continue along the same lines to combat racism.

The French President has also stood against those who are taking away states that are faces of colonialism and slavery: "The Republic will not erase a single trace of its history or a single name. The republic shall not withdraw the bullets from the States."

It has therefore warned that "we will be tough on racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination, and we will take bold new decisions", although it has warned that it does not satisfy citizens suffering from this discrimination. It has become clear that it does not want a citizen’s movement that has spread in recent weeks and that it wants the fight against racism to be led by the State and that on behalf of the “unity of the Republic”. But because it is a structural oppression, the public power does not see it and it is thanks to the movement of the oppressed that the problem has been brought to the table in recent weeks.

“The new era” ecological and solidarity

In his speech of 14 June he also gave some details on the day following the coronavirus plague: The new stage will be "ecological" and "solidary". Although it has not gone into detail, it has made it clear that the changes needed for the new era, be they collective or individual. These statements are not credible given what has happened so far, including the distribution of thousands to aviation to deal with the crisis. Above all, because in the same speech he described the policies to deal with the coronavirus by: "We've put health above the economy," and "we've taken decisions collectively." However, since the beginning of the health crisis, the French Government has on more than one occasion lamented its economic priority and authoritarian decision-making.

With regard to the strategy to deal with the crisis and the State deficit, he assured that not only will there be no tax increase, but "more work" will have to be done. In this way, the components of the new era seem to be highly contemplated in liberalism and in the logic of supply, which seems little "solidarity".

After a reflection with different actors, in the coming weeks he will give more details about the "new time". Macron will carry out the next murder in July.

Centres starting from 22, open to all

The 14th of June was based on the speech on the new phase of decontainment. Here are some changes: all centers will open to all students on June 22 and without special measures. Visits to nursing homes can also be made from this Monday. Although the coronavirus is always there, Macron has spoken in a positive tone, describing the current health situation as "the first victory against the virus".

In addition to the overseas departments of Mayotte and Guyana, all other departments are classified as green areas, i.e. in a situation of deconfinement.

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