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Blockades and thousands of citizens on the street against regatta reform in Baiona

  • The massive demonstration in the morning brought together 24,000 citizens, according to the organizers. The protesters try to occupy the highway and the police launch the tear gas. Entrepreneurs have also blocked the Baiona bus station in the early morning. Despite the fact that the reform has passed, the desire to hear anger is not tapping. Thursday is the ninth day of strike.

23 March 2023 - 08:55
Last updated: 14:11
Poliziak gas negar eragilea bota die manifestariei autobide inguruetan, Baionan. (Argazkia: Jenofa Berhokoirigoin)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Although it goes through Article 49.3 of the Constitution, it follows the mobilization against reform of the retas. This 23 March marks the ninth day of strike, once again convened by all the trade unions, with hundreds of concentrations and demonstrations to denounce the reform of the clubs and, more generally, the attitude of the French Government.

Thousands of demonstrators in Baiona

As for the Northern Basque Country, the date is 10:30 in Baiona. Jenofa Berhokoirigoin makes a special follow-up from @Jenofa_B. The demonstration is being very multitudinous. According to the organizers, 24,000 citizens have gathered in an unworthy atmosphere, according to Berhokoirigoine: "It is annoyed, beyond reform, the authoritarian attitude and the contempt of the government complain." Blockades, occupations and barricades are taking place throughout France. In Baiona the blockades have also been channelled this morning on Wednesday, with the aim, among others, of obstructing the bus service of the Northern Basque Country. In anticipation of the highway blockade, the prefecture itself has closed the Baiona motorway in the morning. However, the demonstrators have approached him to occupy the freeway. The police are throwing them tear gas.


Ninth day of strike

The first day of strike against this reform was 19 January, and since then the movement and anger have been developing. The vast majority of the population opposes the delay in the retirement age, which according to the Ifop survey house is 68% against reform and 78% against the use of Article 49.3, which is reflected in the struggle of all the unions, something that has not happened in the last twelve years. Elisabeth Borne, the Prime Minister, announced on 16 March her intention to avoid the vote and since then the anger has intensified. Blockades and barricades add to the demonstrations and have brutal repression as a response: hundreds have been detained since the reform was imposed.

The reform carried out by the government of Emmanuel Macron rhymes with the need to work more, delaying to 64 years the full toilet age and the time to pay to 43 years.

When Macron's tone increases anger

On 22 March at 13:00, Macron extended his message from TF1 and France 2 television channels: "This text will make progress on its democratic path". Well, he knows he's mostly against it, but he doesn't care and assumes his: "Between the polls and the interest of the people, I choose the interest of the people, and it doesn't matter if I have to bear the burden of disfame."

In Parliament, at last, the government did not want to vote on the text and the reform was passed directly through Article 49.3. This meant that the motion of censure was not exactly adopted on Monday: 287 votes were needed to vote for the government and the motion of the LIOT centrist group received 278 votes. It became clear that reform does not have support in Parliament either.

Macron expands a discourse that does not correspond to reality and is perceived as contempt for all. In fact, the French President has spread this week: "The multitude has no legitimacy with regard to the people manifested by elected officials" ... The fact is that both citizens and elected officials, the reform has no support on both sides – for this reason the government decided on 16 March to use Article 49.3.



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