The first of the two rounds to the French Parliament took place on Sunday. Those who have obtained 12.5% of the votes of those on the electoral list will be eligible for the second round. There are three constituencies of votes in the Northern Basque Country and the name of its Members is clarified:
Annick Trounday (Ensemble) and Iñaki Etxaniz (NUPES) have moved to the fourth round of elections. Fifth, Sandra Pereira (NUPES) and Florence Lasserre (Ensemble) and sixth, Vincent Bru (Ensemble) and Tom Dubois-Robin (NUPES).
The cities of Labourd are divided into the fifth and sixth voting district, while the fourth group includes Baja Navarra and Zuberoa occupying part of Bearno (some towns of Baja Navarra are also linked to the fifth).
Abstention was over 50% on Sunday at state level. We will have to see what influence it has on the second round.
In view of the results in the Northern Basque Country, Ensemble was left with the first 43,188 votes, NUPES with the 33,020 seconds, Unión Nacional with the 17.019 and EH Bai with the first 16,385 votes. The extreme right Reconquista has won 6,442 votes in the North and, as the Oihana Teyseyre Koskarate of Berria has pointed out, 23,461 people have opted for one of the extremes of the right in the Northern Basque Country.
The extreme right in France has gone from eight Members to 89 years. Thus, for the first time, the Union Nacional RN de Marine Le Pen can form a parliamentary group, which gives it many advantages: firstly, consistent financial support. Each vote on the first round will generate... [+]
The elections of the French Parliament have culminated in the three-year electoral cycle and have left an unprecedented picture in the Fifth Republic. President Macron, newly proclaimed winner for the second time, has not reached a parliamentary majority in his favour. The far... [+]
Frantziako legebiltzarreko bozendako hautagaiek ostirala dute azken epea izena ofizialki emateko Paueko prefeturan. Ipar Euskal Herria eta Biarnoa batzen dituen laugarren hautesbarrutian, sei hautagaik jadanik jakinarazi dute diputatu izan nahi dutela. EH Bai alderdiaren... [+]