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Bru and Lasserre by Macron and Echaniz on the left in Ipar Euskal Herria

  • Ensemble's candidature in favour of Macron has been imposed in the fifth and sixth constituencies and has been withheld by previous Members: Vincent Bruk and Florence Lasser. In the fourth place, NUPES has primed the unity of the left, precisely: Iñaki Echaniz is the new Member, with some 80 votes in favour.
Laugarren hautesbarrutiko diputatu berria da Iñaki Echaniz, Biarnoko Oloroeko hautetsi sozialista (Argazkia: La République des Pyrénées)

20 June 2022 - 08:56
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The names of the three MEPs that the Northern Basque Country has in the French Parliament over the next five years are clarified: Vincent Bru (in the sixth constituency, i.e. in the localities of Lapurdi between Hendaia and Biarritz); Florence Lasserre (in the fifth constituency, Baiona, Anglet and surroundings) and Iñaki Echaniz (in the fourth demarcation, i.e. in part of Baja Navarra, Zuberoa and Bearno).

Thus, Bru and Lasser, supporters of Emmanuel Macron, will remain in this position as in the last five years. Bru gets 60.2% of the votes and Lasser gets 54.4% of the votes.

In the fourth he has won the NUPES formed by numerous leftist parties to defeat Macro. This means that the Socialist Counsellor of Oloreo (Biarnoa), Iñaki Echaniz, has taken the seat of Jean Lassalle, who was a Member in the last twenty years, and who took charge of his brother Julien. The victory was very tight, with some 80 votes in favour.

Participation at the French level was 38.11% at 17:00 in the afternoon.

In the fourth electoral district, the second round took place between the candidatures of Annick Trounday (Ensemble) and Iñaki Echaniz (NUPES); in the fifth round, between the so far Member Florence Lasserre (Ensemble) and Sandra Pereira (NUPES); and in the sixth round, with the so far Deputy Vincent Bru Brisduble.

First round results

In the fourth area, Trounday concentrated 26.6% of the votes in the first round of last Sunday and 24% in Echaniz. Thirdly, Julien Lassalle, brother of hitherto deputy Jean Lassalle, with 20.3%, and Sylviane López, of the National Union of the Fourth Extreme Right, with 11.6%. The fifth candidature of EH Bai, Egoitz Urrutikoetxea, received 10% of the votes (it should be noted that Zuberoa and Nafarroa Beherea enter the fourth demarcation and part of Biarno, that is, the ratio of the Abertzale vote in the whole area).

In the fifth field of voting, Lasser obtained 33.9% of the votes and Pereira obtained 25.1%. In the third place was Pascal Lesellier, far right (13.9%), and in the fourth Mathilde Hary, of EH Bai (8.9%).

In the sixth, Bru (Ensemble) obtained 28.5% of the votes and in the second, Dubois-Robin of the NUPES with 19.5%. He won third place Peio Dufau, member of EH Bai (14.5%) and fourth place with 9.89% of the votes of the far right Monique Becker.

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