In Ipar Euskal Herria, Melenchau, far left, has obtained good results, among others, being first in Hendaia and Biriatou, as well as in other localities of Baja Navarra and Zuberoa (Lakarra, Arrosa, Izpura, Aloz, etc. ). However, so far President Macron has imposed himself in the major cities of Baiona, Angelu, Biarritz, San Juan de Luz, Baigorri, Donapaleu or Maule. Participation has been 77.69% in the Basque Country, three points above the participation of the French state as a whole.
The result of Jean Lassalle from center-right also stands out: It has obtained 11.61% in Lapurdi, Baja Navarra and Zuberoa, almost quadrupling the overall result of the French State as a whole. The results of the rules to get away from Lapurdi and access the mountain area further improve: It emerged first in Atharratze (28.29%), in Urepel (41.76%), in Lekunberri (25.60%) and in other small towns; and second and third in many localities.
Finally, at the level of the French State, three parties have been distinguished – Macron, Le Pen and Melenchon – but in Iparralde they have been joined by a quarter: Lassalle.
Weakened historic candidatures
For others, less or more, the same trend has been felt as in the French state: the Socialist Party and the right-wing Les Republicains have weakened, 2.05% for the historical left and 4.91% for the historical right. In 2017, the historic right defeated 23.11% in the Basque Country. So, for the first time, Le Pen ranks among the top three forces.
Eric Zemmour, who was at the far right, achieved 6.93% of the votes. That is, at the level of Ipar Euskal Herria, the extreme right has 22% support. Le Pen's first force came out in several localities: In Gixune (Lapurdi), in Bidaxune (Lower Navarra), and in Etxarri, in Zuberoa, in Xarrikotapea and in Lixoz.
Ecologists have achieved a modest result, although unlike what happens in the French state, Yannick Jadot has overcome the symbolic barrier of 5%.
It remains to be seen where the voters Jean Lassalle and Jean-Luc Mélenchon will be heading in the second round. In particular, Lassalle did not give any slogans of voting and although the extreme left has called not to vote in favour of Le Pen, he did not call to vote in favour of Macron.
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