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Lectures will be held from 18 to 28 October in tribute to researcher Lynn Margulis

  • This year four tertulias have been organized on the occasion of the death of Margulis, who died ten years ago, to deepen the ideas of collaboration and symbiosis. The conferences will take place in Pamplona, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Andoain and Bilbao.

18 October 2021 - 10:33
Last updated: 12:38
Lynn Margulisen sinbiosiaren teoriak dio bizitza lankidetzatik sortzen dela, eta ez lehiatik. / Argazkia: Nancy R Schiff.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Although his name was not so well known, Lynn Margulis was one of the most important scientists and researchers of the 20th century. In November it will be a decade, and in order to pay tribute to Margulis for his death, tertulias "Science and Environmentalism Symbiosis" have been organized. Four conferences will be held in the next two weeks, from 18 to 28 October. As the organizers have reported, the speakers are well aware of the scientific and political importance of Margulis’s work.

The colloquia will delve into the principal ideas of the researcher: collaboration and symbiosis. This afternoon, 18 October, the first talk will take place in Pamplona/Iruña, on Friday 22 October in Vitoria-Gasteiz, on Wednesday 27 in Andoain and the last on 28 October in Bilbao. Here you can see the program of the conference cycle. The cycle is promoted by Zapateneo, UPV-EHU, Ekopol, Ekologistak Martxan, Katakrak, the Ecosocialist Basque Centre, the Martin Ugalde Cultural Park and the New. In his view, this is an "unbeatable opportunity" to help in the search for solutions to the current eco-social crisis.

Cooperation rather than competition

Lynn Margulis proposed several innovative theories and her contribution to science is very important. Among other things, he argued that the evolution of the species is not based on competition between them or on the survival of the strongest. On the contrary, it showed that creatures have advanced through cooperation and symbiosis. In this post, Joseba Barriola has collected the most outstanding contributions from Margulis.

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