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Tied to the earth, like potatoes

11 October 2024 - 10:50


by: Madame Miss (Paula Sáenz de Valluerca)
When: 29 September.
Where: Navarra Theatre School (Pamplona).


It has reached the Madame Miss Town. Ais. Fame, fame and fame are synonyms, and they're all adjectives of this woman. You will understand that in my position I cannot stay here. But it has a lot to count on, and it can't fly up by helicopter. The scene belongs to him and the pink suit and purpurpurpurpurpurpurine that he is wearing is passed. Look how good I am and how good I sing. Miradme, my pants are brilliant as stars, I'm also a star. Look at what a petulancia I'm moving around with, like I'm a celebrity. Yes.

Juan Carlos is in the audience, his former partner. Juan Carlos, are you here? What's that like? He tells us that he had to leave the village because living between potato fields would corrupt his bowels. The mother did not see him with good eyes. Among the public, he has given the role of mother to the first paragraph. Janis is is recording Joplin's biopic, thanks to his father, who filled his escape pocket. Every now and then, he teaches us some of his talents, for free: dance, singing, guitar.

He's offered us a second song, but he's put plastic in to protect us from our bad smell. This is where it started. He's started coming in with the audience under the condom. A man starts to seduce, getting closer and closer. Man's answer was the best: he's given him a schematic kiss. Yes, they have rubbed their noses, while that man's wife was crying, but laughing. There has also been a bite, for example, where plastic material has been introduced.

Madame returned to the stage. He has shown us some samples of the work done in all these years. I wanted climax, something epic, to make people understand why it escaped. Madame is talent. Aurresku with the whistle of a friend, sings the opera, one of the girls of the Almodóvar, Fernanda (not Bernarda), the boring mother Alba, later converted into dementore. But he has done what always works in search of climax: he has remained in panties, he has rubbed his breasts, he has put the amappins to dance.

In the end he has recognised us that it is not so much. It's not so famous, famous, famous. He has a son and wants peace of mind. All the talents he's taught us have done, but well, he's put some purpurpurpurine on the stories. He has been ashamed and has confessed that he might want to return it, tie it to the earth as a potato, and that, perhaps, corrupting it is not that bad idea.

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