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The floor defenses go to the street in Vitoria

  • On May 20 more than a thousand citizens of Vitoria-Gasteiz, under the threat of rain, have made the demonstration "Euskal Herria Bizirik in defense of the Earth". In the final message: "It is worrying to see that in our territory large investors are coming to continue destroying the natural environment and to continue to steal the scarce natural resources that have so far been preserved." They denounce the attitude of politicians who "divert" public money into private pockets: "Many politicians say that the importance of these environments in the face of major industrialization projects is low and they hide from us that it is precisely these companies that are the only beneficiaries of this devastating policy." In the end, they have made concrete political proposals.

22 May 2023 - 06:29
Last updated: 13:19

This has been the first joint action of the groups of Euskal Herria that work at the local level against macro-projects, and have called the citizens "to meet the regional group or to create if there is no". ARGIA has met the organizers before the demonstration.

This is the statement read at the end of the demonstration:

"Lately we are suffering the brutal attack of numerous new infrastructures that will industrialize natural spaces and the rural environment. It is extremely worrying to see that large investors in our territory continue to deteriorate the natural environment and seek to continue to steal the scarce natural resources that have so far been preserved.

Railway projects and infrastructure; wind and/or photovoltaic plants and, of course, their distribution lines; incinerators, industrial greenhouses and intensive animal farming plants. All of them appear on the map of the Basque Country, some of them are projects already underway and others of rapid implementation. These projects cover communal areas and farmland, leading to the disappearance of ecosystems that underpin our territory and sustain life.

Behind these projects we see a clear intention: to dismantle the rural environment and its way of life, eliminating the small communities and villages in which our maintenance is based.

Head of Demonstration. Photo: Bi by two.

On the same path as large companies, many politicians say that the importance of these environments in the face of major industrialisation projects is low and they hide from us that they are the only beneficiaries of this devastating policy. So they divert public money into private pockets. This has been spent and so much money is still being spent on TAV, incinerators and industrial landfills.

In addition, the ravages that are taking place in coastal areas – marinas, new dykes, artificialisation of the coast, among others – are causing the permanent loss of leisure spaces and huge natural spaces under stone and cement. As coastal towns lose their charm, the benefits of developers and real estate rise exponentially.

What is happening is not just economic theft, but these projects also affect people's health. Little of this, the Administration contributes to adapting the legislation to the interests of these large corporations, making available public resources and communal spaces. An example of this is the Tapia Law and the Nafarroa Garaia counterpart. They suppress municipalities and councils from taking decisions on their territories and violate their sovereignty.

Photo: Bi by two.
Photo: Bi by two.
Photo: Bi by two.

Terms such as “energy transition” or “decarbonisation” lose their meaning when they are reused by those that have caused the current eco-social crisis. They argue that fossil energy can be replaced by renewable energy so that no one questions their new market niche.

The logic of the market drives us to the unbridled and crazy consumption of products and energy. The direct consequence is the imposition of GMOs there and here, creating new addictions and disabling us to freely sow our seeds.

The disappearance of the model of small cottages is very close. Fertile land is altered by law, and small farms are constantly being discarded. Speculation with dwellings and land directly affects the food sovereignty of the people. Throughout history, heritage and knowledge of the rural environment have been subjected on several occasions to developmentalist policies. In return, its inhabitants have suffered a profound, intentional and programmed exclusion.

Maintaining the natural environment and agricultural land is essential to ensure life. Its deterioration will have irreversible effects on natural ecosystems, rural ecosystems and social ecosystems. We will not accept any policy that does not envisage a significant reduction in consumption or a restructuring of the production system. We are clear: the production system

should be oriented towards improving the communal good. That is why we demand a policy that genuinely protects nature, we demand a policy that protects our habitat, that does not respect the hunger of investors.

Photo: Bi by two.
Photo: Bi by two.

We want a universal energy access policy based on a decentralised and local energy model that responds to the needs of all people. Political decisions must take account of the whole community, and decisions must be taken by citizens, not capitals. That is why we want policies that develop the social transport system; policies that promote small-scale farming and livestock models; policies that combine renewable energy expansion with biodiversity conservation. In short, an eco-social model that does not harm the natural, archaeological, social and cultural heritage.

The mountains of Euskal Herria, the natural spaces, the rural and coastal areas are not spaces for capital conquest! ".

Photo: Bi by two.
Photo: Bi by two.

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