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The Earth's Upland Destroys the French Government

  • The Interior Minister, Gerard Darmanin, has presented the decree to the Council of Ministers. Many social, environmental and political actors have described a "serious precedent". The Earth Uprisings network has made it clear that it will bring the decision to court.
Lurraren Altxamenduak sarearen protesta bat. Argazkia: Les Soulevements de la terre

21 June 2023 - 12:21
Last updated: 14:45

In October last year it was considered an "econumerary" and in March the procedure for dissolving the group was announced by the French Minister for the Interior, Gerard Darmanin. On 21 June he presented the decree to the Council of Ministers, promoted by President Emmanuel Macron. "The use of violence is not legitimate in the rule of law, and that is what we have punished," was the words of government spokesman Olivier Veran, leaving the Council of Ministers.

Many actors have considered a serious attack on the environmental movement: Founded in 2021, the Uplanar de la Tierra is an ecological network that connects hundreds of agents and groups, currently formed by the agricultural union Confederation Paysanne, the Solidaires union, the ecological collective Extinction Rebellion, the independent media Reporterre, the Agir pour l'environnement, the political party NPA and several. This decree is an attack on the broad environmental movement. A total of 111,600 citizens have signed a manifesto that identifies them as part of the network.

Treasures of the Earth announces that he will go to the court to annul the decree.

At the moment, there are 90 meetings held this Wednesday night throughout the French State. Among other things, the Ostia network quoted in Baiona: At 19:00 Preprefect. "This dissolution produces a dangerous precedent, in the authoritarian sliding of the government, we are at an irreversible point," according to that network that in Iparralde fights against speculation on housing and land.

Eighteen detained activists

On the eve of the dismantling of the network, the French police have completed the second raid against the Treasures of the Earth. There are 18 people arrested and various sources follow the rumor, the arrests are related to the demonstration of the month of March against the megabassines or gigantic birches of Sainte-Soline or with actions against the concrete manufacturer Lafarge. In Paris, Marseille and the ZAD area of Notre-Dame-Des-Landes have carried out the police operation. A further fifteen were arrested on 5 June, including two Basques. In the end, they were all released after questioning for four days.

It is dangerous because of its effectiveness

In April, Mediaparte published the study Earth Uprisings on the movement led by the police. "Skill", "perfect communication" or "the ability to seduce" - that is, flowers - appears only in the report. This new movement, effective and revolutionary, is an obstacle to the French Government. Hence the excessive repression at the demonstration in Sainte-Solin or this weekend against the Lyon-Turrin motorway and the step taken on 21 June to dismantle the movement. The French State wishes to give its breath to report 2823. ARGIA n.

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