"The world of tomorrow is the choice of today" was the motto of the 2020 Lurrama. In the words of the organizers, "the issues we wanted to deal with, more than ever before, are in our minds, and what we are going to live in this enclave will again show us that we are not on the right track. We want and need to spread these questions in society. All of our options today influence, let's start consuming differently, buying quality benefits and from here! Let us defend and encourage local farmers, now in lockdown, and tomorrow! ". The conference cycle they had organized addressed such issues as relocation, food sovereignty and a reflection on microbes.
On November 14 at 11:00 on the Lurrama website there will be a video in which Dominique Bourg, Marc-André Sélosse, Aurélie Trouvé and Nicolas Girod will offer their testimony in a video.
The organizers have appealed to all those who wish to support the work of the Basque House of Agriculture, since "thanks to Lurram, the EHLG can reflect and carry out different projects every year". Here is the possibility of making an economic contribution.
Ostegun arratsean abiatu da Lurrama, Bidarteko Estian egin den mahai-inguru batekin. Bertan, Korsika eta Euskal Herriaren bilakaera instituzionala jorratu dute. Besteak beste, Peio Dufau diputatua eta Jean René Etxegarai, Euskal Hirigune Elkargoko lehendakaria, bertan... [+]
Emazteek laborantzan leku garrantzitsua izanik ere, ainitzetan gizonen itzalean izan dira. Hori aldatu nahian, emazteak erdigunean ezarriko dituzte aurten Lurraman.
"Emazte Laborariak Argitan" izanen da aurtengo Lurramaren leloa. 27 emazte laborari agertzen dira afixan. Haien rolak, engaiamenduak, eskumenak eta berezitasunak azpimarratuko dituzte heldu den azaroaren 10, 11 eta 12an, Miarritzeko Irati gelan.
Lurrama, laborantzaren saloina Miarritzeko Irati gelara itzuliko da aurten baina kasu, ostegunetik larunbatera iraganen da 17. edizioa. "Mendiguneak bizirik!" hautatu dute lema gisa eta Pirinio inguruko laborariak gomitatuak dira.
The buyer will not end up buying the house and land of Arbona. It has had to give way to the members of ELB and Lurzaindia and the associated citizens. The occupation continues, because the seller continues with the hunger of EUR 3 million and because pressure, force, solidarity... [+]
The buyer will not finally buy the estate and the house of Arbona. It has had to give way to the members of ELB and Lurzaindia and to the people together. The occupation continues, as the seller is still hungry for EUR 3 million and at the negotiating stage the pressure,... [+]
Ekimen gehienak bezala, Lurrama ere ezeztatu behar izan dute aurten. Baina zer nolako ondorioak utziko ditu horrek Lurrama elkartean eta Euskal Herriko Laborantza Ganberan?
"Biharko mundua, gaurko hautua" lemapean egingo dute Lurrama aurten, azaroaren 12tik 15era, Miarritzetik atera eta Ipar Euskal Herriko xoko ezberdinetan ekimen ezberdinak eskainiz.