The PNV (10) and EH Bildu (9) have won one seat each, while the PSE (3) has remained in the same place. Elkarrekin Podemos (2) and PP-C's (1) have lost 1.
In percentage terms, PNV (almost 2 points), EH Bildu (almost 6) and PSE (1) have risen, while PP-C's (4) and Elkarrekin Podemos (7) have gone down even further.
Although the PNV wins in general terms (loses 8,000 votes), all the majority parties have dropped in votes and only EH Bildu has won the votes, 6,000 more than in 2015. The PSOE has lost almost 2,000, the PP-C's has lost 16,000 votes and the huge bleeding has been Elkarrekin Podemos, who has lost 27,000 votes. Vox has also imposed itself with over 4,000 votes.
If in Gipuzkoa today they turned their eyes on someone, that was Ordizia. Jeltzales were imposed in 2016, but this time EH Bildu. And also in many other peoples: In Debagoiena, Arrasate, Aretxabaleta, Elgeta and Bergara, among others; as well as in Tolosa, Zumaia, Azpeitia, Pasaia and Legazpi.
The results of Eibar and Ermua were also interesting in the wake of the Zaldibar disaster. The PNV has won in Eibar and the PSE has been third (now holds the mayor of the Gipuzkoan capital). But the two parties have lost almost 500 votes, compared to almost 300 for EH Bildu. It is possible that Zaldibar influences, both there and elsewhere, and also that the older Jeltzale and socialist vote he is going to vote on other occasions has stayed at home for fear of the coronavirus, and that EH Bildu’s vote is more faithful. And it's also possible that the latter has received a significant amount of Elkarrekin Podemos's electoral loss.
In Donostia-San Sebastian, the tendencies of the territory are repeated, as of the five big ones all have lost, except for EH Bildu, which has risen by 1,500 votes. Vox has achieved almost half of the territory.
At least, the forces of Carlos Iturgaiz have not managed to maintain the fall they have been accumulating for years and the internal crisis has affected them a lot. On the one hand, much of his vote has been absorbed by the PNV for a long time, and now Vox has taken him some thousands (4,000 of the 17,000 votes he had in the CAV in Gipuzkoa, the least votes and percentages of the three territories). That is, that Iturgaiz has not stopped Vox, and that he has brought out the worst result of his history in Gipuzkoa. And another significant fact, of the almost 14,000 votes obtained, 7,000 correspond to the collection of Donostia-San Sebastián, very scarce throughout the territory.
Gipuzkoa remains the most Abertzale territory (PNV + EH Bildu, 71%), as usual, and also the most leftist (EH Bildu, PSE and Elkarrekin Podemos, 55%).
Hauteskundeak izan dira oraingoan Euskal Herriaren mendebalde honetan, eta horien ondoren gerta ohi denez, erabateko garaipen loriatsua (auto)aldarrikatzera abiatu da prestu irabazten lar ohituta dugun EAJ.
Luza dakioke gaur EAJri esaldi klasikoan egiten den galdera: Non dago... [+]
Iñigo Urkullu jarduneko lehendakariak eta bere alderdiak hauteskunde kanpainan esan dutenez, “ezkerrekoak eta eskuinekoak jada ez dira existitzen”. Gaur egun EAEn nagusi den politikaren alternatibarik existituko ez balitz bezala, hau da, ez balego bezala... [+]
Data: 2020ko uztailaren 12a (igandea). Ordua: 13:00. Tokia: H. herriko bozkaleku nagusiko kanpoaldean dagoen banku bat. Eguraldia: orduak iraun dituen euri jasa baten azken tantak. Jende mugimendu etengabea atarian. Talde handirik ez. Gehienak banaka, binaka, trioren bat... [+]
On this occasion there have been elections in this western part of Euskal Herria, and as often happens, the PNV, very accustomed to winning, has launched itself to proclaim a glorious (self-)absolute triumph.
Today we can ask the PNV the question in the classical phrase: Where... [+]