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Inoculation of microorganisms into difficult terrain increases plant resilience

  • One study suggests that inoculation of microorganism communities grown on hard soils can be effective in improving plant capacity against climate change.
Argazkia: Pixabay

14 June 2023 - 08:30

Researchers have explained that plants grow on a substrate, so they have limited capacity to combat climate change. However, there are plants that grow in difficult soils (cold, dry or hot). These plants get the nutrients needed to grow thanks to soil microorganisms.

Now, these researchers have shown that these microorganisms, integrated elsewhere, help plants in the new place fight cold, drought or heat, respectively. The experiments have been carried out both in the laboratory and in the field and, in addition to confirming that they increase tolerance to climate stress, have highlighted the importance of the interaction between microorganisms and plants. The study has been published in the journal Science.

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