Group: Invertebrate / Insect / Mantod
Size: 5 to 8 cm.
Where does he live? Mediterranean climate scrubs.
What do you eat? Invertebrates, mainly insects.
Level of protection: It is not protected in Europe.
Who believed that the Martians should be so small! Just a few centimeters! But it does look spectacular. That's not a couple of meters! The Pennata Thrust is a kind of Mantis family. It resembles marshes so well known to each other in movement, attitude, behavior. It makes it clear that they are familiar. But one of its main features (and the one that gives it its name) is immediate attention: the crests of itself. It looks like a hat and warns us that we're facing a tall, powerful insect.
A great hunter who, thanks to his powerful earlier legs, announces to his prey the need to pray, as the marshes tell them. It feeds primarily on other insects, but it also doesn't oppose spiders. It normally stands on a bouquet or between leaves until a prey appears, then the front legs jump forward and begins to eat a prey that cannot escape its thorns.
As in many insect species, females are larger than males and can reach up to about eight centimeters, although their usual size ranges from 5 to 7 cm. As in the case of marshes, but less frequently, female physical domination causes males to become prey. However, males are more skilled at flying… Mediocre!
As insects, they have to perform metamorphosis. The process called simple metamorphosis consists of three phases: egg, ninfa and adult. In the nymphs phase, they alter their skin six times in order to grow. After the last skin change it takes half a month to reach sexual maturity and start reproducing. Unlike marshes, they spend winter in the form of nymphs (alfertxas marshes surpass winter without leaving the egg).
He likes dry and warm areas and in our lands he lives in areas where the Mediterranean climate is predominant, especially in the ravages, and are harming his disappearance and loss, reducing his populations. These sleek insects become easy prey for their misfortune to cursed summer fires.
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