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Anarchist militant Lucio Urtubia dies

  • He died in Paris at the age of 89 as a result of a long illness. He is known and referent for his trajectory as an anarchist militant.

Lucio Urtubia Jiménez (Cascante, 1931) died at the age of 89 in his home in Paris, which in addition to living had become a residence of Espace Louise-Míchel. Born in a family of workers from Navarra, he lived in Paris since 1954, when he escaped from the company's warehouse when he was doing military service and ended up in the French capital. There he worked as a mason – which was his job for years – he met with militants of the Fédération Anarchist and began to be treated with several anarchists.

In order to get the money that allowed him to lead the revolution, he began to commit several robberies in banks with his comrades and the fraud was made known to the First National Bank, today Citibank. Previously as a forger, in the late 1970s he counterfeited First National Bank passenger checks (called travelers checks): It falsified 8,000 pages of 25 cheques of $100 each, totalling EUR 20 million, all intended for revolutionary movements to collaborate in their activities. Between 1980 and 1982, he distributed hundreds of counterfeit cheques in Europe and South America.

The action led Urtubia to the negotiating table of the First National Bank, with which it was forced to negotiate, as the French police could not take the check forgery sheets. Although he was prosecuted and accused of falsehood, the bank agreed to remove much of his charges in exchange for the plates that were used to falsify him.

Until the end he has died faithful to his principles, becoming a reference. His life and actions have been the motive for documentaries, books and graphic novels. There are not many speeches and interviews he has given. He spoke to Argia a couple of times, the first in this interview with Amets Arzallus and the second in this interview that Subai Hill performed at the age of four.

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