The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has given credibility to the accusations of pederastia against the Basque priest Cesareo Gabarain and has banned songs composed by him in his demarcation, according to Berria.
Born in Hernani in 1936, Cesareo Gabarain was the chaplain of Antzuola for several years, and recently, according to the newspaper El País, was denounced by a group of students from Madrid in 1978, before being arrested. Subsequently, it has been known in recent months that at least 17 other people have testified to sexual abuse by Gabarain.
He studied his musical studies in the seminary of Zaragoza and began composing songs in 1966 when he went to Madrid to the Chamberri School of the Marist Brothers. Some of his compositions became famous as Together as Brothers or Death is not final. The latter was considered a hymn by the Spanish Army and was sung in the act "tribute to the fallen", as can be read in the Spanish Wikipedia.
After receiving complaints of sexual abuse, the Marist Brothers expelled her from the institution and the Church moved her. Shortly afterwards, Joan Paulo II.ak made him chaplain as a prize for his "musical trajectory". He died in 1991 in Antzuola from cancer.
During all these years the Church has kept the case of hidden pederastia and has not made any kind of statement regarding the occurrence of sexual abuse. Regarding the decision taken by the Archbishop of Los Angeles, the spokesman for the Spanish bishops said that this is a kind of "medieval" punishment, because whoever did so cannot "pollute" his musical work.
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