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Garden care and gardeners


26 November 2024 - 10:29
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

by: Maialen Lujanbio When:
21 November.
Where: Plaza de Katakrak (Pamplona/Iruña).


Here we are, with all the Katraka chairs packed. The Monument to the Fallen and Landab is the main theme of the Coplas show or the Rufian of RR. Well, I'm not going to tell you too much, because I've been told I do spoilers. However, you may think that a remedy is an attempt to laugh at yourself, but more than that, it is a performance made by playing with words and form. So far I'm going to tell you. I will take the opportunity to raise a couple of responsibilities.

1. Expand a festival like Loraldia to other places: guay. Cultural launchers and hybrido-experimental expressions are needed, and are not monopolized in certain places. But I am sure that lately in Iruñea we are not escaping the cultural programming of our hands. If we were to take up the agenda of the cultural performances in Basque that have been organised since September, we would be surprised. And I wonder if that trend does not come from the biggest trends: the consumption tendencies to which musicians refer; the overdose of production without readers in the production of books; the audiovisual proposals constantly … And if being honest, those who reach that culture are not the usual ones, the hole in the portfolio is getting bigger and bigger. Pamplona is a garden in full bloom, but you have to take care of the flowers and the gardeners.

2nd The word "Innovator" is in the post-session poteo. Well, the novelty is Lujanbio himself in that record: coplas, ASMR, poetry, singing, stand-up(? ), and dance. YES, little, but dance. He has done a great job of turning words around and has found two senses and qualities. But maybe "innovator" isn't the word. Some performative recitals come to my mind, and few have filled a room like Lujanbio (and this is not at all contrary to her). But it is significant to see to what authority the public – and the programmers, the promoters and the producers – and, therefore, the space in their agendas. Once again, this is not a criticism of action and of Loraldia.

Pamplona is a garden. I don't know if I've ever seen something more beautiful. But it may not be enough to bring every week the most beautiful and large flowers in the garden. You have to sow the seeds (create the need for a culture), the pruning work (rethink the consumption model), bring the corners of the balconies of the neighbors (it is understood, no? ) and that the gardener should be involved in all this. That's pulling flowers for another time.

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