The fifth edition of Loraldia Festibala will be held between 12 March and 7 April. In 22 days, the programme will offer all artistic disciplines, five new productions and absolute premieres. 12 spaces in Bilbao will become the plaza of Basque culture.
This edition will include Joseba Sarrionandia and José Anton Artze.
In the case of Iurreta’s writer, based on his poetic universe, Kalaportu will premiere at the Arriaga Theatre on March 15: The show 'Kantuz' on the poetic territory of Joseba Sarrionandia. Familiar faces of Basque music will be involved, among others: Eñaut Elorrieta, Mikel Urdangarin, Inés Osinaga, Miren Narbaiza, Rafa Rueda, Dana, Joseba Irazoki & BEÑAT Axiari, Audience, Harkaitz Cano and Uxue Alberdi.
Artze will be honoured on March 20, through the show H-Artzetik of the collective Txakur Gorria: poetry in scarves. According to the organizers, it will be "a small gesture of thanks", to remind the poet who left us last year.
Loraldia is not a festival that only takes into account the creators of a long history. Proof of this is the broad programming this year. Coinciding with the arrival of spring, almost every day there will be a cultural act in Bilbao. On the web you can see this year’s full program.
Bilbao will flourish and echo the Basque in seven or seventeen strident streets, and it will extend to the ensanches and extend through neighborhoods to Otxarkoaga and beyond. Spring will reach our language after the winter of the centuries. It will happen this spring. The... [+]
Loraldia Festibala amaitu eta "erabateko arrakasta"-tzat jo dute antolatzaileek. Bost astetan Bilbo "euskarazko sormenaren erdigune" bihurtu dela azpimarratu dute, bai eta ikuslegoaren harrera ona ere. Ikuskizun gehienetan eserleku-kopuruaren %80 baino... [+]
René Le Henaff zuzendariak hiru dimentsioen teknikarekin esperimentatzeko Euskal Herrian grabatu zuen filma aurkitu du Josu Martinez zinegile eta ikerlari bilbotarrak. Euskadi filmaren lau emanaldi egingo dituzte martxoan, Bilbon, Iruñean, Donostian eta Baionan.
Euskal kulturaren udaberriko hitzordua hastear da Bilbon. 30 emanaldi eta 150 sortzaile baino gehiago bilduko ditu 32 egunetan. “Berritzailea eta bizigarria” egiteko asmoa dute antolatzaileek.
Euskal kultura ikustaraztea da festibalaren helburua. Apirilaren 9tik 24ra hamaika ekitaldi izango da Bilboko hainbat txokotan.