It is a milestone for plants that occurs from the day to the short extension. It's not just a stinger, a landmark of attention, a milestone of food. Cutting the day means that winter comes and by then plants realize the need to advance the work. Especially those who complete their life during the cycle of the year. They've been the big blooms, or they're now in the furialdia. Before you die in autumn or in winter, you have to complete the fruits of those flowers, the fruits bearing the seeds, like him, the seeds that will produce new plants that will be your sweat.
Like us animals in our blood, plants want to make their new sweat, so that their caste, their race, their lineage, doesn't lose their family. When we look at plants, we think they're all the same, identical. Not much less! Here too, in our own way, each one is unique. Look at a meadow and imagine: every herb in it, like you and yours, is one and only. That's what everyone wants to keep by extending their seeds.
On the road to seed creation, the starting point is the flower. The flower often doesn't look, and in many others it's spectacular, smelling, palpable. Many of the plants that we want around us are placed for that, for their beauty. We want to enjoy the beauty of its flower. Beauty. Because a drop of beauty is a lot, a lot, and five.
Rosal (Rosa spp.) When we see it full of flowers, we forget that this plant has rounded up those works of art of extraordinary colors, shapes and smells to preserve and improve nature and genetics, cursed by its grandmother's path. We forget that the flower will bear fruit, that to do so there must be a tumultuous association of the sexes, that the pollinating insects will bring pollen from some other flower, that fertilization will have to occur every time a miracle grows to hybridize the nature of the father and the mother and create a new one that has never existed. The rosebush remembers everything.
We just want roses. We make him a slave to forget all his desires and offer him flowers continuously, for our delight. Forget your grandmothers, forget your caste and give only flowers, flowers and flowers.
To do this, we have a special technique: to cut and boot the fragments of fertilized females that would become fruits and seeds as the flowers wilt. The mother is crazy, cannot produce fruit and with all her courage gives her flowers and gives her flowers. The English call deadheding “beheading dry head” to this technique. For us it is a dried flower, the rosebush has the nucleus to create its descendants and has lost it. They were lost one after the other. Crazy? You had to go crazy!
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