As in previous years, different disciplines and formats have also been given this year: There will be theater, dance, music, literature, cinema, art and bertsolarism. As a novelty, this edition has also incorporated role-playing and cabaret games into the program.
The venue of the festival shows will be limited this year, of course. To compensate as far as possible, two special shows have been organized as digital experiences, which can be seen both from the Loraldia website and from EITB.
One will be the show of bertsos and dances Errimak Bi Oinetan organized by Haatik Dantza Konpainia. 17 March at 18.30 in Azkuna ZENTROA and digitally. And the other, the musical show Bozak, on March 20 at the Guggenheim and on social media. With the musicians Olatz Salvador and Idoia, Maddalen Arzallus presentadora de la tertulia, and a couple of online guests, Itziar Ituño and Ane Labaka.
Programme for the coming days
Today, 10:00 pm at the Arriaga Theatre, the concert of the ensemble Folketik Jazhara will take place, directed by Haizea Martiartu, a young saxophonist from Markina. Aldapeko, Agate Deuna, Oskorriren Aitaren -Semeak and Mikel Laboaren Txoria Txori, among others, will be responsible for moving these nine musicians to the jazz area.
On 11 March, BEÑAT Gaztelumendi, Xabier San Sebastián, Joserra Senperena, Quico Pugès will pay tribute to Xabier Lete through the LOREAK and Zauriak performance in the Arriaga at 19:00 in the afternoon.
On Friday the Zetak group will present the show of its last album, Zer ederra den, on the stage of the Arriaga theatre.
On Saturday 13, Euskal dantza: Contemporary tradition? At 15:30 a.m., Pantxika Telleria, Oier Araolaza, Patxi Laborda and Aiert Beobide will hold a roundtable online. The same day, the dance company Elirale will offer the choreography of Pantxika Telleria at 12:30 and at 18:00 in Azkuna ZENTROA. Finally, at 18:30 a.m. the Maritime Museum will host a photographic projection entitled Zura eta hura, a lecture and a reading of authors.
On March 14, drawings and games will be made around the comic book AztiHitza with the intention of honoring the writer Agustín Xaho. In addition, they will perform a dramatized reading, with music and singing. It will be held at the Maritime Museum at 12:30 hours.
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Loraldia Festibala amaitu eta "erabateko arrakasta"-tzat jo dute antolatzaileek. Bost astetan Bilbo "euskarazko sormenaren erdigune" bihurtu dela azpimarratu dute, bai eta ikuslegoaren harrera ona ere. Ikuskizun gehienetan eserleku-kopuruaren %80 baino... [+]
René Le Henaff zuzendariak hiru dimentsioen teknikarekin esperimentatzeko Euskal Herrian grabatu zuen filma aurkitu du Josu Martinez zinegile eta ikerlari bilbotarrak. Euskadi filmaren lau emanaldi egingo dituzte martxoan, Bilbon, Iruñean, Donostian eta Baionan.
Euskal kulturaren udaberriko hitzordua hastear da Bilbon. 30 emanaldi eta 150 sortzaile baino gehiago bilduko ditu 32 egunetan. “Berritzailea eta bizigarria” egiteko asmoa dute antolatzaileek.
Euskal kultura ikustaraztea da festibalaren helburua. Apirilaren 9tik 24ra hamaika ekitaldi izango da Bilboko hainbat txokotan.