On 23 June, the Spanish National Police refused entry to a young Saharawi at the airport of Loiu, from a flight from Morocco to Cuba, to carry out a scale in Bilbao and Madrid. The young man, who had made a request for asylum and declared himself to be a persecuted political activist, has also been denied by the Foral Police. The measures to curb the deportation of the man before the Spanish National Court have been refused this Thursday, July 4, and he will be deported at 15:00 on a flight between Loiu and Tangier, according to EITB.
According to the Spanish National Court’s assessment, there is currently no serious and imminent risk or danger to the life or physical integrity of the plaintiff.” Anti-deportation activists have assured that "the detention has taken place because they participated in demonstrations in favour of the Saharawi people," EFE said in a statement.
Feedback from associations
Many associations have expressed their rejection of the decision of the Spanish National Court to suspend the referendum. The Zehar Errefuxiatuak association has denounced that it is "unacceptable" and the ONGI association Etorri Errefuxiatuak called a rally in Bilbao's Moyua Square via social media to denounce the situation of the Sahrawi people. Javier Galparsoro, president of Zehar Errefuxiatuak, appeared before the media at a concentration held in Bilbao to denounce the facts: “We are not talking about recognising the right of asylum, but about letting it enter Spain, so that we can then analyse the request in greater depth and have all the reports showing the persecution it has suffered.” They have shown “great concern” about the situation of the young person.
On Thursday, at 7:00 p.m., many people gathered in the rally to denounce the situation in which the young man was. The association Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak has called the concentration through social networks under the slogan The killer of Morocco, Spain protector.
At night in the hospital
National Police sources have reported that the young Saharawi, who had started a hunger strike on Wednesday for the risk of deportation, was transferred on the night of Thursday to Friday to a hospital center to examine his state of health, but at 02:00 hours he was discharged and returned to the inadmissible staff room at the airport.
The young man fears deportation
EITB has received an interview with the Sahrawi man of the Zehar Errefuxiatuak association in which his experiences and experiences have been explained. “He was an activist of the Saharawi student movement, we distributed leaflets, we lined up banners in the Moroccan institutions, and we wrote slogans for the independence of Western Sahara on the walls of various organizations,” said the young Saharawi.
The Moroccan president said that he was "tortured" by the Moroccan authorities and denied it to occur. Javier Galparsoro, at the press conference on Thursday, pointed out that the young woman asked for deportation to “any country other than Morocco” and in an interview with the association expressed her fear of her future: “I fear they will deport me to Morocco and think about what is going to happen to me there.”
Harea-erloju baten bidez irudikatu ohi da denboraren joana. Ospatu berri dugu Saharako Errepublika Arabiar Demokratikoak 49 urte bete dituela iragan den otsailaren 27an. Urte hauetan guztietan, harearen pisuak ez du oraino estali Saharako populuaren askatasun-nahia eta... [+]
The girl who appears in the center of photography, which can hardly be considered historical, is writing a list of adjectives: I, you, he, we, you, they. Looking down, I couldn't see what his gaze looked like.
Insensitive to the work of the photographer, you, slowly and... [+]
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Sahara, herri bat erresistentzian liburua argitaratu du Kristina Berasainek. Urte luzez jarraitu du Mendebaldeko Saharako gatazka, 2005ean BERRIA egunkariko kazetari gisa lurralde okupatuetara lehen aldiz bidaia egin zuenetik.
The Spanish Foreign Minister denies that Spain is the administering power of the Western Sahara. But yes.
For years, Spain said that it was neutral on the Sahara issue, albeit a lie: it was very partial. For Morocco. The Palestinian National Power has a diplomatic mission in... [+]
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