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"Speech therapy is becoming a luxury"

  • Amaia Agirre has denounced the poor working conditions experienced in the rehabilitation center Paso a Paso.

21 April 2023 - 06:00
Last updated: 08:15

As she does not want to have problems in her work, the speech therapist Amaia Agirre asks for an invented name. As he explained, in Osasunbidea alone there are sixteen speech therapists to care for children and adults: “That makes it very clear that they do not give importance to speech therapy, but it is changing.” As a result, sometimes the only option is to go to the private: “Speech therapy is becoming a luxury”. So many speech therapists have to work in private.

When Aguirre finished his studies he began working at the Paso a Paso rehabilitation center in 2019. He has denounced the abuse of the chiefs of the center: “As we were young, he used it to violate our rights.” Two years ago he left his work “very demanding” because they were “authoritarian” and “tyrants”: “We were very good workers and very professional, and although we said everything, it was never as much as they wanted.”

For example, each month they met to talk about the evolution of users and analyzed the objectives: “For them it was like receiving the harvest in kilos, but it is not so easy. Although they are tools to achieve goals, they are not always achieved.” Aguirre considers that it is “beneficial” for users to bring them together, but considers that they should be worked out differently.

"The work is very nice and it is true that it is precarious, but in some centers there are good conditions"

Besides rigor, they only had 30 days of vacation, of which the workers chose fifteen days: “I was always put on holiday Fridays, because being a natural holiday, Saturday and Sunday were considered public holidays, and so I took three days off”.

They also had an app to look at the agenda, but they changed the hours and the patients “constantly” without telling them: “I was constantly entering the app because they changed hours many times, it was another way to manipulate it because we could not disconnect from work”.

He also denounces that the salary was very low: “I made the calculation and earned 6 euros per hour.” The rigor, low pay and abuse of superiors caused psychological consequences: “I was very stressed and little by little I was not anxious.” He adds that the bad work situation affected all colleagues: “Many colleagues had stress and anxiety and we all went to the psychologist.”

Despite his authoritarian attitude, he has reported that in the beginning to obtain the workers' trust they were original: “What they managed to do was tell personal things and then use them against us, for example, they wanted to know if we had a mortgage or a partner.”

In general, he believes that he was “passive” towards the main positions of the workers: “we complied with what they told us.” Although it was “difficult” to set limits, Agirre was the only one who set limits on his superiors: “That’s why I was punished for putting worse hours or speaking badly.”

As a result of poor working conditions, he applied for a leave of seventeen months and was therefore absent from the company. He went to the LAB syndicate to ask for help: “Because I was badly liquidated, I got a complaint and I was right.” He's happy because he quit the job.

Despite the poor experience of the center Paso a paso a paso, he stressed that there are good centers: “The work is very nice and it is true that it is precarious, but in some centers there are good conditions”.

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