In the province of Lleida (Catalonia), where thousands of pigs are bred in industrial farms, there has long been a serious problem with livestock excrement: the surrounding groundwater has already been contaminated with nitrogen and a treatment plant has been built in Juneda. Although theoretically these excrements had to provide a lot of gas and thus produce electricity, for their treatment (mainly for drying) they needed more energy than they had, so so far natural gas has been used. Apparently, they were overpriced, and they asked the Catalan Generalitat (and this one) to authorize the use of the CoR instead of natural gas. CDRs are the most transparent Waste Derived Fuels, which in TMB dry the organic and offer it as fuel, mostly plastics, with great power to burn.
It is no coincidence that the Biscayan multinational SENER was in the main technical supplier of the Tracjus: they are former experts in burning at SENER, they were the main drivers of the atomic power plant of Lemoiz, Zabalgarbi organized it technically, etc. In 2013, the waste management company awarded Sener and Tracjusa the special prize of the Bioenergy section. The awarded plant was closed the following year -- just as the government withdrew the premiums for renewable energies, according to the employers of industrial agriculture on its web. The same news indicates that EUR 1.5 million had to be spent to adapt the plant to natural gas needs and the CoR has now been forced to spend EUR 7 million more.
The Aturem platform the Juneda Incinerator and the association IPCENA (Ecologists in Action in Catalonia) follow up on the mobilisations that citizens are making to paralyse the project. This video takes up Joan Vázquez's speech on July 11, counting the long fight against the incinerator of Juneda:
🔴 ARA MATEIX: Information campaign against the Juneda dam incinerator.
Posted by Aturem the incinerator to Juneda on Thursday, July 11, 2019
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