The Biosasun project, closely linked to the Allotarra association, has an oil mill in the lands of Dicastillo, to which the olives are sold for processing. “Before we were to the Monte de Arróniz oil mill, but there they do not work in ecological. Then came the small Ekolo mill, in which we also participated,” says the producer. Eventually, the team decided to create their own oil mill after several studies on olive oil. “Our mill is very special because it produces oil with high amounts of polyphenol,” he explains.
But what is polyphenol? It is a natural antioxidant that protects lipids from oxidation in the blood. They produce little oil in the Dicastillo mill compared to the area, but they seek to gain quality by putting an eye on the polyphenols. In addition to oil, they have also promoted other innovative oil-derived products, such as kefir and combo. “We created the Birbizi project to take advantage of the surplus almazara: we extract the dry bone from the olives and the olive water.” Broken bones are used as fodder for cattle, while these probiotics are produced with olive water.
The work of the Allotarra association is not limited to the production of olives, as since 2019 the organic products store is also underway in Allo. They sell food from nearby producers and in addition to the possibility of buying on site, they also offer the possibility to do so via the web. “At Lizarraldea we sell peppers, asparagus, vegetables… of everything, but also organic products that are not here and that we bring from further away: txakoli, oranges…”.
Four people are currently working on the Allotarra project. Gaintza explains that it is up to them to do everything: research, agricultural work and attention in trade. “For the future we have more projects in hand. For example, we are in contact with truffle producers to start producing special associated products,” he said.
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