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Protests in Estella for recent delivery in the hospitals of Pamplona and Tudela

  • Due to the lack of personnel in the gynecology and obstetrics services of the Hospital García Orcoyen de Estella, the Department of Health has begun to reorganize the delivery service. Meanwhile, citizens will have to go to Pamplona and Tudela. Provision is made for 25 deliveries in the Estella area by December.

07 December 2023 - 10:14
Last updated: 12:31

The Department of Health of the Government of Navarra has reported that, as of December 7, pregnant patients in the Estella Health Area will be temporarily required to go to the University Hospital of Navarra of Pamplona and the Reina Sofía Hospital of Tudela. The reorganization of the Hospital García Orcoyen de Estella is due to the lack of five out of eight professionals in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Service. The measure will remain in force until the problem is resolved.

Four out of eight gynecology professionals are on sick leave, one is on short leave, another two are on full time and one vacant. But the dismissal of another professional reported a few days ago and the indefinite extension of another leave that planned to return to work this week have caused the temporary change of service “to guarantee the quality and safety of all patients” in Lizarralde, said Health Advisor Fernando Domínguez. She adds that “work is under way to resume delivery care as soon as possible.”

Citizenship protested on Thursday morning in Estella, as you can see in the video below.


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