For a full course, in the 5th year of Primary Education, young people from the public school of Remontibal de Estella receive a bertsolarismo course. They should now be in the second part of the program, the second part of the course, but the City Council of Estella (UPN) has suspended the program. The first part of the program was carried out normally, because this is paid for by the Government of Navarre; the second, by the City Council of Estella.
The complaint has been made by the association Gara, which is working to promote the Basque language in Estella, and received by in this news. The delivery of the bertsolarismo program "It is a way to immerse yourself in Basque language, culture and history" in the public school of Estella, according to the association, has also reminded the City Council of Estella that different values and capacities are promoted: "The capacity for creation is enhanced and critical thinking is cultivated, all from a playful perspective, based on enjoyment."
The association recalls that the umpteenth step of the City of Estella is the one that goes against the Basque language. The following are listed: That the City Council left the program Euskara Comercio, canceled the program Brinka aimed at children, did not buy the kilometer of Corrika, no shows in Basque for children at parties, reduced the bags of money aimed at Basque in the general budgets... Kultur K-z is also campaigning for the Lizarraldea Gara association "in the face of new and serious regressions in language rights".
Astelehenean abiatu da sindikatuak deitutako greba eta apirilaren 6 arte luzatuko da. Lan-gainkarga salatu eta baldintzak hobetzeko eskatu dute, baita mediku egoiliarrei karrera profesionala aitortzea ere.
Txosnen eledun Eider Castañedaren hitzetan, Marta Ruiz de Alda alkate erregionalistak "autogestioarekin, jai herrikoiekin, euskararekin, feminismoarekin zerikusia duen espazio oro debekatu nahi du".