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Mayor of Estella (UPN) denounces the Raimundo el Canastea group for a song against the ban on txosnas

  • The Municipal Police has quoted the singer of the group Raimundo el Canastea for his song against the ban on txosnas at the Estella festivities on Thursday. After being released, the investigation continues. The Lizarra team is receiving messages on the network against censorship and against solidarity in Navarre.

02 August 2024 - 12:04
Raimundo el Canastero Iruñeko Katakraken grabatutako bideoklip batean.

UPN de Estella denounced the music group Raimundo el Canasta for the song 'Beff D' Alda that premiered in Estella. In the song, they criticize the City Hall of Estella for not allowing the txosnas and the rock La bota to settle in their usual places. It is a song of humor, irony and criticism directed to the mayor, Marta Ruiz de Alda. In this way, the complaint could lead the band to be charged with a hate crime.

The government team convened an extraordinary and urgent plenary on Wednesday afternoon to vote on a motion and to reject the song of the Lower House. The motion was supported by the three Spanish parties of the City Hall: UPN, PSN and pp. The opposition called for a split vote, considering that a number of opposition points were being mixed up in the agreement. Finally, EH Bildu, Geroa Bai and Fermín abstained from the “partisan use” that the other parties wanted to do with the song.

Raimundo the Canastero has responded that the tone of the song is "comical and ironic" and that "it is not a display of hatred, nor incites anyone to commit violent acts during the festivities". But, as they have stressed, "reflects the feeling of anger and helplessness that exists in much of Estella's youth, a holiday model that they have worked for so many years and that has been buried with a blink".

In addition, they explained that the song uses the expressions 'remove it' and 'kill it', but they do not refer to the mayor of the locality. The song says in Spanish: -Remove it (whore hut), remove it from view. Kill (what boredom! ), that's why Estella is yours." In other words, the meaning of what has been said is as follows: “Remove the txosna and kill Estella from boredom,” because that’s what we think this government team does.”

In any case, the collective states the following: "Either we haven't been able to speak well (if so, we're sorry) or the members of this City Hall have a huge problem of understanding. Humor and satire converted into songs have always been used by the rulers to outrage (and even anger) the rulers and to protest. In fact, that's the little we've been able to do for these parties. This simple act of bufism has been investigated and denounced. Will we roar or cry? ".

In the last few hours, the music group is receiving messages of support and solidarity in the face of the denunciation of censorship.

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