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The Municipal Police cites 27 people from Estella to declare for "public disorder" during the holidays

  • On the first day of festivities thousands of people demonstrated in Estella against the veto and many of them came and continued in the pasacalles ‘Bajadica del Puy’. Both dantzaris and musicians passed normally through society, but many politicians from the City Hall continued in the cars of the Foral Police.

06 November 2024 - 11:06
Last updated: 13:18
Jaietan egin zuten manifestaldia Diario de Noticias
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Estella's txosnas have been installed in the bus station parking 28 years ago. This year, however, a month before the start of the festivities, the UPN City Hall has banned the transfers to San Benito in the park of Los Llanos. Both the neighbors and the organizers of the txosnas have qualified the decision as “authoritarian” and have denounced that it has been done with the objective of “isolating the txosnas from the social dynamics of the festivities”.

Faced with this, hundreds of people protested on 20 July for the txosnas under the slogan “No to the hypocrisy of the City Hall!”. A couple of weeks later, about 2000 people participated on August 2, the first day of the Estella festivities, in the demonstration against the municipal veto. After the mobilisation, the protesters turned to the kalejira of Bajadica del Puy to continue the protest to centurias. In Valdeallín Street there was a human traffic jam that supposedly prevented the passage of the municipal corporation. Both musicians and dantzaris went ahead as usual, but some politicians decided to go down to the City Hall in the furgons of the Foral Police.

Estella Municipal Police has called to declare 27 members of the kalejira ‘Bajadica del Puy’, apparently for creating a “public disorder”.

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