The XXV was announced on Wednesday. Winner of the Igartza Prize The jury composed of Garazi Kamio, Irati Jimenez and Oihane Amantegi had to choose from 11 projects submitted to the call and Lizar Begoña (Sopela, 1996) and his project Itzalkinak eguzkitan has been selected as support to the scholarship.
The novel project Itzkinak eguzkitan has as its backdrop Benidorm, in particular a kiosk located in tourist areas, in which two women work. "A business in decline, a kitsch environment, the experiences of women of two generations… Emotions, memories and reflections are going to be stitched with the facts," said the winners.
Begoña graduated in Fine Arts and has published two poetic books: The poetic collection Aro beilegia (White Whale, 2020), winner of the Donostia Kultura Prize, and the Japanese Gepardo (Susa, 2022).
This year is the twenty-fifth edition of the prize promoted by the editorial Elkar, the City Council of Beasain and the company CAF. The objective of the prize is to promote literary projects by young writers, so the winner is supported with a scholarship of 6,000 euros. Once the prize has been accepted, the recipient undertakes to publish the work.
Joan Tartas (Sohüta, 1610 - date of unknown death) is not one of the most famous writers in the history of our letters and yet we discover good things in this “mendre piece” whose title, let us admit it from the beginning, is probably not the most commercial of the titles... [+]