Many writers will meet at the festival to be held in Donostia-San Sebastian, including Basque writers Eider Rodríguez, Kattalin Miner and Mariasun Landa. During these two weeks, “everyone will expose their vision of identity, feminism or artistic creation”, according to the organizers.
In total, there will be more than 50 guests. The festival will also feature several books: Bernardo Atxaga (Houses and Tombs) will present the novels recently published by Ibon Martin (Tulip Dance) and Karmele Jaio (Aitaren Etxea), which will be presented in the Official Section.
The book by Ramón Saizarbitoria Egunero hasi will be 50 years since he saw the light. Literaktum has announced that he will pay tribute to his novel and that an exhibition will be held on the writer, who will be "in love". In addition, the program will offer a show on Joxean Artze, who died in 2018.
Eyes on the horizon
Writer: Illustrator Miren Agur
Meabe: Ane Pikaza
Elkar, 2020
Miren Agur Meabe has published several texts and books. He's worked with all the literary genres: children's and youth literature,... [+]
They're one of the most beautiful memories I have in my heart. At the time I was doing Basque Philology and we went to a society in Arbizu to a concert by Ruper Ordorika. There were Rikardo Arrangi Diaz of Heredia and Juanjo Olasgrip. I didn't dare to tell Arrangi that I had in my... [+]
Beatrice Salvioni (Translation:
deceit Fernando Rey)
Txalaparta, 2024
Fernando Rey has chosen the title of Barrizto to translate La malnata de Beatrice Salvioni. King says he has tried to be the voice of the... [+]
Andoni Urrestarazu Landazabal was born in the village of Araia on 16 July 1902 and died in Vitoria on 21 November 1993. It is now 31 years old and I think it is time to recognize his name and be, because the legacy he left is not well known. Umandi used the name of a mountain in... [+]
I was going to write a column tirelessly, but I found it ridiculous to pretend that at the age of 19 it's collapsed: rendered, tired, disappointed, as if this world had denied me. I found it even more ridiculous to dream of the little little rolls that we have left, to lose me in... [+]
Ruben Ruiz
Illustrations: Joseba Beramendi, exprai.
Elkar, 2022
Rubén Ruiz offers a new work of short stories. They are not micronarratives, because the stories, although they can be read independently, have a... [+]
Noemie Marsily and Isabella
Cieli For Centos, 2022
We opened the zipper of the camping in red and looked through the leek along with Lucy. With this cover, the reader receives the comic book Memet. Simple words... [+]