In full account of the arrival of the Azoka of Durango, when we believed that it had already realized all the news at the end of the year, the news came by surprise from the Bidehuts seal: the Lisabö group, one of the main leaders of the Basque rock of the vanguard, returns.
Since 2011 the Irunis have remained silent and the training will be reformed: Joseba Ponce and Ivan Zabalegi, who worked on the album Animalia lotsearen putzua, left the group and Aida Torres has been in the battery to record the album (it was one of the two drums that Lisabö had at the beginning and has since worked in the group Jupiter Jon, among others). For those directly involved, they have joined the project Borja Toval (member of the Sacco group) and Sergio González (The personality, Sorkun). Maite Arroitajauregi Mursego has also participated in the new work.
Bidehuts gave the news this Friday through a brief message he has posted on his website. In the image that has been published to give the news there is also Martxel Mariskal, former member of the Beti Mugan group and for a long time the letrist of Lisabö, so it can be assumed that the words of this work will also have their signature.
The group has not yet specified the date of the presentation concerts, but the dates of publication: this Saturday from 12:00 will be able to hear the work on the website of the Rockdelux magazine and from 5 to 9 December will be available on CD and LP at the Durango Fair. It can be purchased from 10 December via the usual channels.
Martxel Mariskalen testuak, ostegun honetan aurkeztu duen Azken zakatzak liburuaren aurretik, kantuen bidez egin dira ezagun.
Lasa eta Zabalaren erailketen 30. urteurrenaren harira, Kareak erre ez duena poesia emanaldia eskainiko dute hainbat sortzailek Tolosan, hilaren 11n.
Beasaingo Jazpana Fest jaialdiak egitarau oparoa prestatu du aurten ere. “Izen handiak, gorantz doazen talde gazteak eta banda mitikoak” izango dira jaialdian ostiral eta larunbatean, antolatzaileek nabarmendu dutenez.