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Israel begins an attack on land in Lebanon while continuing to bomb more countries in the area

  • The Israeli army has announced that it has launched "the next phase of the war" in the Arab country. It has also bombed Beirut, Gaza and Syria, and it has again threatened Iran. The United States has announced that it will send more soldiers to its bases in the Middle East, "if necessary", to help Israel.

01 October 2024 - 16:14
Last updated: 17:16
Israelgo Armadaren erasoa Libano hegoaldean. Argazkia: Europa Press

The Israeli army began an offensive on the ground this morning, in which it was arrested. The Army has explained that it has started "the next phase of the war", but that the attacks will be "restricted, local, and selective". Beyond the usual terminology in Israel, the size and characteristics of the invasion remain to be seen. The Zionist Army has ensured that the objective of the attack is to protect the population of northern Israel. The Army has ordered 30 countries in southern Lebanon to leave their homes and villages near the border with Israel and has acknowledged that in the vicinity of the border Zionist soldiers have had "intense fighting" with members of Hezbollah.

Hezbollah has stated that it has carried out artillery attacks on Israeli soldiers in southern Lebanon and has launched long-range missiles at two headquarters in Mossad and Military Intelligence, near the capital, Tel Aviv.

United States support

The Israeli Government has stated that the earth attack has the approval of the United States and the Pentagon has confirmed this. The Secretary of Defense of EE.UU, Lloyd Austin spoke on the phone with the Israeli Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant, and gave him his support and told him that the “border attack infrastructures” of Hezbollah need to be removed.

The Pentagon spokesman announced on Monday the sending of "thousands" of more soldiers to the U.S. military bases in the area to help Israel "if necessary", at a time when the risk of the armed conflict spreading to the entire Middle East is increasing.

Israel's attacks and threats to several countries

In addition to Lebanon, Israel is also attacking other countries around it, so it has called for justice. Yemen was bombed on Sunday. On Monday, he bombed a school in Gaza causing at least seven deaths and on Tuesday two other Palestinians have died in the West Bank by Zionist soldiers, police sources have reported. In Syria, Israel has launched an air offensive in the capital, Damascus, where it has killed three people, including a journalist.

In this context, the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has again threatened Iran: “The day Iran is finally free, and that moment will come long before what people think, everything will be different!” And also any possible Middle East adversary: “There is no place outside Israel’s power in the Middle East.”

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