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Lianghui or rite news

06 March 2023 - 06:32
Last updated: 08:24
Txinako Herri Biltzar Nazionalaren lehenbiziko saioa / Argazkia: Xinhua

Someone will say that it is a ritual ceremony and he will be right. But before diving into larger waters, it should be borne in mind that contempt for the rituals we have between us, today and abroad, may not be such in other places, before and now.

The fact is that each year, for over 60 years, they meet during the first days of March, approximately one week, in the same period and centre, but each separately, the People ' s National Assembly of China (some 3,000 members) and the Chinese People ' s Consultative Political Conference (some 2,150 members). Lianghui, The Two Sessions. And that, with the strictest rituality, the collections accept, almost unanimously, all the proposals made to them from the command: the annual budget, the amounts of the objectives, the distribution of the responsibilities of command… In addition, this year the 20th of the Party. Being the first lianghui after Congress, we see the need to modify not only all those responsible for each of the institutions, but also those responsible for the maximum power of the State. And it's not the mid-night cough of the goat.

Since all that has to be decided is previously decided, which says that it is merely a ritual and something without interest, it will be quite wrong. On the one hand, because the agreements reached but pending publication appear in them, verbally or in fact. And this usually feeds symlogists in time. At the moment, they begin to entertain themselves with the adventures of Hu Chunhua. But perhaps, at that same Political Advisory Conference, those who may come from the hand of the new head, Wang Huning, will be even more juicy in the future.

On the other hand, all individuals in the economic and financial world passionately await the figures and forecasts published in the lianghui, short-term in the stock market (and that is why they are given on a weekend holiday) and longer because of their influence on the planning of many. This year's (5% growth, 3% deficit...) are considered "conservative", although for others they seem stratospheric. But for those who hope that China will have to take the cart out of the world economy, it may seem a little bit.

However, among the figures that have been given in that 2023 lianghui, there is one that seems somewhat conservative, which some have already considered disturbing: military spending will increase by 7.2% in 2023, to 225 billion dollars, slowing down the rate of growth that it entails since 2020, but increasing considerably above economic growth.

Perhaps someone would expect something more after the United States took its defensive budget to over 850 billion.

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