They have stated that their struggle is a “liberation struggle” that requires the liberation of LGTBIQ+ people and the rest of the people affected. They have therefore announced that they will go to the streets "with the Palestinian people in their memory".
June 28 is LGTBIQ+ International Pride Day. Ehgam has denounced that companies use this day only to “accumulate capital”. “We denounce the genocide that Israel is doing with the complicity of our rulers and demand that LGTBIQ+ rights not be used to justify the massacre.” They add that “there is no pride in genocide.”
Ehgam wanted to remember that the transformations needed to make the lives of all and all of them “habitable” are “profound”. He added that capitalist systems based on the heterosexual nuclear family and private property “punish” many young people from the collective to live in families they have not chosen. Regarding the older people of the group, he states the following: “The system of privatized and family care leads to loneliness, misery and unworthy old age.”
In the end, they highlight: “We will continue to fight until all the bodies and lives of all sexual and gender dissidents are dignified.”
A couple of weeks ago, a number of data from Norway was published. In this country of Northern Europe electric cars have predominated, being the Tesla brand the most sold, with 90% of recyclable energy consumed there. On the contrary, Norwegian public enterprises have no problem... [+]
Larrabetzuko Hori Bai Gaztetxeak 60 urte bete ditu. Euskal Herriko Gaztetxe zaharrena da Larrabetzukoa.
A ghost crosses the kitchens: The ghosts of Carlos.
Karlos has not been presented to the Master Chef Celebrity. After analyzing its culinary heritage, it is very clear that it will not overcome the selection of its opponents. In fact, the Academy of Gastronomy and the media... [+]
Iaz jarri zuten martxan lehenengoz Alde Zaharrean Jantoki Herrikoia. Auzokoak elkartu eta mahaiaren bueltan konpainian bazkaltzea da gakoetako bat. "Auzotarrak elkarren artean ezagutu eta komunitatea sortzea da gure nahia", azaldu du AZ Ekimeneko kide Asier... [+]