On 28 June, 51 years have passed since the Stonewall riots. In addition, on 10 June, it was 41 years since a National Police officer shot Francis for travesti in Rentería. That assassination activated the LGTBI+ movement throughout the Basque Country. As every year, the LGTBI+ movement in Álava has organised several activities by the end of June, Alea reported in a statement.
This year, the International Day for Sexual Liberation will have an impact on the “need to organize sexual and gender dissent.” This is what the motto of the demonstration that will start on Sunday, June 28, at 12:00 hours from Plaza Bilbao in Vitoria-Gasteiz says: “Organizing sexual and gender dissidence to turn everything around.” Due to exceptional circumstances this year, the Alavesa coordinator E28 has requested the use of a mask and the maintenance of the safety distance. After the demonstration, a "marianita" will be held in the Gaztetxe in the Biscayan capital. Before the demonstration, at 11:30 a.m., the “Bollero Block” will depart from Burullería Square, renamed Bollerías Square.
On June 26, the Sorginenea Women's House in Vitoria-Gasteiz will host a cine-bollo screening within the Zaharraz Harro holiday program. The projection of short films will take place from 19:30 hours, under the title What we do not see. The Basque Government has announced a free and free entry, until the capacity is complete, with free entry.
In addition to the mobilization of Vitoria-Gasteiz, there will be more activities in Álava, for example, in the village of Salvatierra/Agurain the group of young girls Inguma has organized a trikipoteo for 26 June. The march will start at 19:00 hours from the Plaza de San Juan in the Guipuzkoan capital. On Sunday, feminist groups Mendialdeko Lamingorriak and Mendiandrea will make a poteo with batukada in Kanpezu, starting at 13:00 hours.
The LGTBI+ movement of Álava has clearly expressed its demands: "In recent years, the gay-capitalist model has wanted to make the E28 its own, and sometimes only its own", because in the bodies and desires of the LGTBI+ group they see "a niche market", explained the members of the coordinator to Alea. In addition, they consider that the state of alarm caused by the coronavirus pandemic has served to "consolidate a model of the white and nuclear family" and thus have shown their intention to break. Through social networks, they have addressed a note addressed to political parties: "The E28 is not a day for your protagonism, please do not come with your banners, flags or any other means. You can join the Transbollomaribi collective with your daily chores."
Coordinator E28 also stressed the "importance of weaving networks" in the Basque capital, as Efe reported. At the end of this month and the beginning of July, a number of parallel activities have been scheduled for the coming months.
The Donostia-San Sebastian demonstration will once again claim its "critical pride". Under the motto "freedom is not consumed, freedom is fought", the Feminist Movement of the Basque Country faces this new stage.
Things aren’t easy in fact, and it will be for one reason or another, but lately I’ve bitten my tongue more than I should for these two things: the culture of the sold out and the FOMO – the latter perhaps has to be explained, because it’s not said so many times: the... [+]
In mid-January, the Cedarras Forum presented the report Euskadi and the European Union, the shared destiny of prosperity and competitiveness. It contains recommendations for the PPAs, taking as a reference the reports submitted by Draghi and Letta for the European Union.
Based... [+]
Hamasei migrante atxilotu zituzten otsailaren 6an Baionan, etorkinen eskubideen aldeko elkarteek salatu dutenez. Dirudienez, Baionako prokuradoreak eman zuen agindua. Operazioa autobus geltokiaren eta Pausa harrera zentroaren artean gauzatu zuen poliziak, tartean, adingabekoak... [+]
Just as we experienced the flourishing of the Basque Country with the help of the artists, so that this time, taking advantage of their impulses, we continue to make our way together giving the necessary support to the Basque political prisoners, exiles and deportees
The... [+]
WHEN: February 2nd.
IN WHICH: In the youth center of Zuia, Murguía.
On September 20 of last year, we first heard about collective music in the profile of the social network they had just created:... [+]