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30% of people in the LGTBI group hide their sexual orientation at work out of fear

  • According to the report of the Observatory against Homophobia in Catalonia, half of the LGTBI couples in the Spanish State show no public affection for fear of discrimination. In the last year at least 42% of respondents have suffered an episode of discrimination.
Sexu orientazioagatik edo identitateagatik eskolan jazartu dituztenen %17 saiatu da bere buruaz beste egiten. / Argazkia: Foto Forbes.

16 November 2021 - 09:31
Last updated: 10:38
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The last study published in Catalonia confirms the following data: At least 42% of LGBTI people in the Spanish State have suffered discrimination in the last year. Consequently, out of fear of discrimination and aggression, many choose to hide their identity or their sexual orientation. 16% of the LGTBI people surveyed by the Catalan Observatory against Homophobia say they never reach the pair by the public, and another 32% almost never. Therefore, almost half of couples do not show any public affection. In addition, 30% chose not to go through some areas of the street.

The report analysed structural LGBTBIphobia and highlighted the injustices it faces in areas as diverse as health, education, work, housing, administration and justice. For example, their sexual orientation is hidden at work, out of fear, almost 30% of respondents. The document highlights the difficulties that trans people have in accessing the world of work: 37% of workers have been discriminated against in their jobs and 27% in their working environment.

They also suffer exclusion when renting a home. In fact, 15% of cases of discrimination occur in this area, especially in the case of trans women. In the field of education, the report highlights bullying, which affects these people, among other things, early school leaving or the greatest difficulty in learning. Another more worrying fact is that 17% of students who have been persecuted for orientation or sexual identity have attempted suicide.

The research highlights that LGBTBIphobia is also widespread in the health system, where LGBTBIphobia is present. Some professionals consider affective diversity as “atypical” or “sick”, both sexual and gender. To address all these marginalities and aggressions, they propose to launch a programme that educates professional workers against LGBTIphobia, as discrimination often comes from them.

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