Members of the feminist movement have returned to the streets. On this occasion, the feminist group of Lezo-Orereta has called for concentration, as last Saturday a man attacked his partner in the street.
Dozens of neighbours and neighbours have concentrated on Tuesday at the train station between the two municipalities and have called for the use of feminist self-defense “while the holy aggressions are the bread of every day”. They are “fed up” and have ordered “the slugs and the aggressors” to go out.
In the concentration, the attendees showed their solidarity with the relatives and friends of the assaulted woman. The municipalities of both municipalities have joined the concentration and the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa has also shown its rejection of the chauvinist aggression.
Feminists have said that the "punitive measures" offered by the institutions and that they need "other kinds of actions and measures" to eradicate the violence they suffer in the people are not enough. Women have emphasized the need to appropriate spaces to move freely, “everywhere, at any time, on all roads and in all spaces, we aloud the right to move freely”.
They have warned that the aggressors will be removed from the city streets until they are "thrown away", they have explained. The feminist group has called for direct action in the face of aggressions and warned that they "will not be frightened" before them.
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