The collection of toys will take place on 8 and 15 January (the next two Fridays) in the Morlans neighbourhood association, from 17:00 to 19:00.
Living conditions in the Lesbos camp are harsh in themselves, but 2020 has been particularly harsh, due to the pandemic and the arson: last September the Moria camp in Lesbos was burned, and many people spent nights and days on the street, thrown at the edge of the road, hungry and thirsty.
In this emergency situation, the association that feeds the refugees, Zaporeak, asked for economic aid to the population of Euskal Herria and organized a show to raise funds. “We know that we say so many times, but we will not get tired of repeating: the work we do here is possible thanks to your contributions,” said Zaporeak.
“New concentration camp” in Lesbos
Following the fire, a second camp was held in Lesbos, but the association explained that the situation has not changed and that the mistakes have been repeated: The refugees do not want to do so, they do not want to live again in another concentration camp, in the conditions they had in the previous camp. “We have defined Moria as a place of torture, because they did not have the minimum conditions of hygiene.”
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