Representatives of the Lesaka City Hall and the Endara Bizirik platform have today presented their claims against the Auzoberri wind farm in the Department of Rural Development and the Environment of the Government of Navarra.
In early May, a project signed by the company Nordex Energy Spain, S.A. was received at the Lesaka City Hall to install 11 large windmills there. Mills 200 meters high, much larger than all we have seen so far in Navarra.
However, those who want to install windmills have not taken into account that in the area there are more than 40 dwellings distributed in four neighborhoods, with important archaeological remains and a unique natural environment for the sport and leisure of its inhabitants and visitors. The impact of this park on nature and landscape would also be very negative for the cheerful.
In addition to the claims documents, today they have also brought signatures to the register: 3.433. Lesaka, with 2,700 people, gives us the size of people's response.
The project is still in its start-up phase and is totally illegal. The Lesaka Urban Ordinance. They therefore feel that they are in time to stop them.
From the Lesaka City Hall and the Endara Bizirik platform have wanted to make it clear that they are in favour of renewable energies, and have pointed out that there are other initiatives that are underway in the village, such as a biomass center for wood. They want innovative but sustainable, tailor-made projects.
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