The Council of Euskalgintza stresses that the number of families that have applied for enrollment in model D in the White Public College of Navarra in Lerín exceeds “well” the minority required by law, and yet parents have not been given the possibility to opt for model D once the pre-registration period has been opened.
The Sortzen Association, which groups the centers of the public network, has reported that a few weeks ago they participated in a commission of the Department of Education, and they have told that Gil Sevillano, director of Education of the Government of Navarra, told them that, according to the inspection report that analyzed the possibility of implementing model D in Lerín, the school of Lerín has no space to implement the wish map.
He adds that it has been launched for the next course and warns that “the Department of Education is responsible for solving this problem”.
This Thursday, at 18:00 in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Lerín, a concentration will be held to request the opening of model D. The event will be attended by the families of Lerín and representatives of the Observatory and the Sortzen association.
"The linguistic and educational rights of our children are violated in the vast territory of Navarre, our educational system does not guarantee equal opportunities"
"The choice of language isn't a goat's midnight cough."
In the pre-registration period, Sortzen wanted to recall the importance of the decision families should make at this time, “because the choice of language is not the cough of the goat’s mid-night. The citizens of Nafarroa Garaia do not have linguistic rights guaranteed throughout our territory. The linguistic and educational rights of our children are violated in the vast territory of Navarre. Our education system does not guarantee equal opportunities and we could give many examples.” Sortu has criticized that what the Basque Law says is not true either: “Is it the task of public institutions to sweep the Basque Country? Is this to support the recovery and development of the Basque Country?”
The members of the association are clear that “As so far, the educational community and the Basque Country must continue to collaborate and with the popular impetus we will be able to guarantee the rights to live and learn Basque”. It highlights that model D is the best option for Euskera to advance.
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Erretiratu berri den lankide-ohi baten omenez, Historiako irakaslea. Bejondeizula!
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I received your e-mail in personal mail on the strike portals. At first, like many others, I thought it was to let you know what options we have in the face of the strike. But no, the e-mail received was a political and communicative movement against the strike.
I will confess... [+]