Taking advantage of the fact that 24 October is the day against the climate emergency, on the eve of several Sortu militants enter the building of the Lemoiz nuclear power plant to claim a “just ecological transition”. Two giant banners visible from the outside have been placed. “Lemoiz has a great symbolic burden because half a century ago the oligopoly of energy opted for nuclear and the popular struggle prevented it from doing so,” they explain in a note to justify the place of action.
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— CREA #Indarra (@sortu EH) for Independence October 23, 2022
Sortuk has used Sunday's action to claim. Among other things, they have warned that the many crises we are experiencing today have not come “by chance” and have accused the capitalist system of causing war, depredation, exploitation, climate change and poverty. Blame neoliberal policy makers: “The IBEX-35 and the arms industry, the vulture and bank funds, Iberdrola, Petronor and the economic and financial elites are responsible,” according to Sortu.
“Intervention”, both in the energy market and in real estate, has been considered essential to deal with crises. They call for a “180 degree change of direction”: “There is an urgent need to increase salaries and pensions, distribute wealth, strengthen public services and build a Community public surveillance system”.
They have set as an example the struggle of Lemoiz and reminded the citizens that it is possible to “change things”. The organization has been reconvened and the “wave for change” in Bilbao has been called for on 12 November. Indeed, EH Bildu has organised the demonstration and will demand an end to the war, the sharing of wealth and sovereignty, among others.
"Larunbatean Gladys gogoratu eta borrokan jarraitzeko gogoak ditugula ospatzeko bilduko gara", adierazi dute antolatzaileek.
Euskal Herrian eraiki nahi zituzten lau zentral nuklearren aurkako borroka babesteko, Jose Luis Zumetak, Karlos Zabala Arrastalu-k eta Bixente Ameztoik Lemoiz gelditu horma-irudia sortu zuten 1980an. Duela gutxi, Bilboko Arte Ederren Museoari eman diotela argitaratu zuen... [+]
Egun hauetan gertatukoarekin artikulu bat idazteko baino, enziklopedi oso bat idazteko gaia badago. LEMOIZko zentrala dela eta ETAk Joese Mª Ryan injiniadorea bahitu zuen.
Berehala egin zuten eskabidea: injiniadorearen truke Lemoizko zentrala desegitea eskatzen zuten... [+]