The Spanish Government has presented the General State Budgets for 2019 at the Congress of Deputies held on January 14. The Basque Government will make available to the Lemoiz nuclear power plant the soils it has generated. The Finance Minister has taken the project to Congress and the first vote will take place on 13 February in Vitoria-Gasteiz.
The Basque Government wants to build a farm in the facilities of the Lemoiz nuclear power plant. In total, it is an area of 69,784 square meters, whose infrastructure has water intake, and according to a study carried out by Azti, it is possible to remodel the facilities of the plant, where prawns, prawns, turbot, sole, salmon and trout grow.
This news was posted by Hiruka and we brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.
"Larunbatean Gladys gogoratu eta borrokan jarraitzeko gogoak ditugula ospatzeko bilduko gara", adierazi dute antolatzaileek.
Euskal Herrian eraiki nahi zituzten lau zentral nuklearren aurkako borroka babesteko, Jose Luis Zumetak, Karlos Zabala Arrastalu-k eta Bixente Ameztoik Lemoiz gelditu horma-irudia sortu zuten 1980an. Duela gutxi, Bilboko Arte Ederren Museoari eman diotela argitaratu zuen... [+]
Egun hauetan gertatukoarekin artikulu bat idazteko baino, enziklopedi oso bat idazteko gaia badago. LEMOIZko zentrala dela eta ETAk Joese Mª Ryan injiniadorea bahitu zuen.
Berehala egin zuten eskabidea: injiniadorearen truke Lemoizko zentrala desegitea eskatzen zuten... [+]